These examples are based on the Theme as supplied with the V5 demo site. They will only work if your product references are Alphanumeric ( _ and $ are also allowed). You will have to edit Act_primary.html and Act_ProductBody.html so make backups of them. Look in Act_Primary.html for the line
Add this bit of code below it Look in Act_ProductBody.html for the line Add this bit of code below it Make a new copy of Act_ProductLine.html called PopupProductLine.html Edit PopupProductLine.html ** look for the line NETQUOTEVAR:ADDTOCARTBUTTONNETQUOTEVAR:TEMPLATEENDXML Replace that with NETQUOTEVAR:TEMPLATEENDXML Note your template may have more than one occurence of the line at ** above. If so, repeat from **. Now use the PopupProductLine.html template for those products you wish to have a pop-up add to cart page on.