In ================== Look for: my (@Response, $Status, $sLine, %PriceBreak, $pComponent); and then change the line above it from: my ($pProduct, $nScheduleID, $rVariantList, $sLabel, $nSinglePrice) = @_; to: my ($pProduct, $nScheduleID, $rVariantList, $sLabel, $nSinglePrice, $bIgnoreComponentPrices) = @_; Then after that line, add these lines: # # Component prices are not ignored by default # if (!defined $bIgnoreComponentPrices) { $bIgnoreComponentPrices = $::FALSE; } Finally in this template, search for: elsif( $nPriceModel == $ActinicOrder::PRICING_MODEL_COMP ) There are 4 hits, change the third and fourth only to: elsif( $nPriceModel == $ActinicOrder::PRICING_MODEL_COMP &&! $bIgnoreComponentPrices) In ================= Search for: @Response = ActinicOrder::FormatSchedulePrices($pProduct, $ActinicOrder::RETAILID, \$VariantList, $sPriceLabel, 1); # Show the retail price And amend the line to: @Response = ActinicOrder::FormatSchedulePrices($pProduct, $ActinicOrder::RETAILID, \$VariantList, $sPriceLabel, $::TRUE, $::TRUE); # Show the retail price Then, three lines below this, change the lines: @Response = ActinicOrder::FormatSchedulePrices($pProduct, $nAccountSchedule, \$VariantList, $sPriceLabel); # Show the dealer price to: @Response = ActinicOrder::FormatSchedulePrices($pProduct, $nAccountSchedule, \$VariantList, $sPriceLabel, $::FALSE, $::TRUE); # Show the dealer price Finally, still within, locate the lines: else # user's price schedule included { @Response = ActinicOrder::FormatSchedulePrices($pProduct, $nAccountSchedule, \$VariantList, $ACTINIC::B2B->GetXML('RETAIL_PRICE_TEXT')); $$sInsideText = $Response[2]; } and change them to: else # user's price schedule included { @Response = ActinicOrder::FormatSchedulePrices($pProduct, $nAccountSchedule, \$VariantList, $ACTINIC::B2B->GetXML('RETAIL_PRICE_TEXT'), $::FALSE, $::TRUE); $$sInsideText = $Response[2]; }