V6 Simple unscaled product images in checkout - tested with V6.1.2 Assuming you have product images whose filenames are related to your product references and are small in size ( less then 200 pixels wide ) then it is possible to display these images at the checkout phase. To do this make the following changes to ShoppingCart.pl and ActinicOrder.pm in your Site1 folder (make backup copies first). Make sure you use a text editor and not a word processor program (see www.editpadlite.com if you need one). The following code has been tested with 6.1.2. In the patches that follow, 4 lines are user modifiable (one set in ShoppingCart.pl and another in ActinicOrder.pm - make sure both match):- 1) If you have a prefix (i.e. bits that aren't part of the product reference) then add that text to $NorcatImagePrefix 2) Or a postfix to your image file names then add that text then add that text to to $NorcatImageSuffix 3) The HTML code that starts the displayed image - $NorcatImageStart. 4) The HTML code that ends - $NorcatImageEnd. PATCHING INSTRUCTIONS:- In ShoppingCart.pl (V6 versions only) locate the line (there should be only one instance):- $hVariables{$::VARPREFIX."PRODUCTNAME"} = $sLine; # add the product name to the var table REPLACE that line with following code:- ########## START of ALL PATCHING - CHECKOUT - IMAGE WITHOUT SCALING V1.1 ######################### # ShoppingCart.pl (V6 versions) patch # author Norman Rouxel rouxel@attglobal.net my $NorcatRef = $ProductRef; # Our product reference SearchScript.pl version $NorcatRef =~ s/^-+//; # strip any leading "-" characters $NorcatRef =~ s/\//-/g; # replace "/" with"-" # user modifiable variables my $NorcatImagePrefix = ''; # optional text that prefixes product ref in image filenames my $NorcatImageSuffix = '-small'; # optional text that follows product ref in image filenames my $NorcatImageStart = '