We recommend that you print this page for future reference. To setup Actinic Software and the Authorize.net Payment gateway, do the following steps: Obtain an Authorize.net enabled merchant account. 1. Login to the Authorize.Net merchant administration site at https://secure.authorize.net 2. Go to Settings (Transaction Response) | Response/Receipt URLs Select edit Default Relay Response URL insert the site url as the last URL before launching to the Secure Authorize.net page (i.e. http://www.mycompany.com/cgi-bin/os000001.pl) 3. Go to the Settings (security) | MD5 Hash. Make up a secret key it is like a password. Use only 8 to 16 alphabetic characters and numbers. (The password must use lower case letters). 4. Go to Settings (security) | Obtain Transaction Key. Answer the challenge question and obtain a new transaction key (do not disable old transaction key. ) 5. Now go to the Settings | Payment Form | Form Fields. Turn off all "Shipping" and "additional information" details (uncheck all of the boxes). Turn off the "Description" and "Customer ID" fields. Turn on "Invoice #". Make it viewable and required, but not editable. Make the "Last Name" and "Email" required (all boxes checked). Submit the page. 6. Be sure to save your secret key, transaction Key and merchant account information in a very secure location. Open Actinic Software 1. Select view | Business Settings | Authorize.Net and press the "Configure" button. 2. Enter your merchant ID in the Merchant ID field. 3. Enter the "Secret key" you created in the MD-5 Hash security setting into the Secret Key field. 4. Enter the transaction key created in the transaction key settings into the transaction key field. 5. Select test mode or production. 6. Apply your changes and upload the web site to the web host Test the implementation with a valid credit card. Do you require more technical support on this issue? Contact http://suresolutionsinc.com/support.htm If you require phone support please fill out the support form on the web site and then call 732-528-7635 to be routed to a technical support person. Brian Johnson, Sure Solution 9/14/2003 Authorize.net Sim Integration settings