Auto Multi Columns.
Updated 18-11-03 to allow for mixing multi-columns with other templates.
This readme will allow you to lay products out in any number of columns.
The number of columns can be altered by setting a Custom Property.
Replace Act_ProductBody.html with the following:-
Replace Act_ProductLine.html with the following:
(or save to a new filename if you want to have some original layouts)
Go into Actinic / Advanced / Custom Properties, click the "+" sign
and create a property called NUMCOLS of type text. OK out.
Go Design / Options / Site Defaults / Properties, click the "+" sign
and select NUMCOLS. Set its value to 3 (for 3 columns, 4 for 4 , etc).
(if using Business uncheck Searchable and check Use as Customvar)
OK out.
You can set this value on a per Section basis, if required, by opening the Section,
selecting Properties and setting it as above.
You can also mix in other templates wherever you like.