v6 - Report Description in Customer E-mail (tested with 6.1.2) If you go to:- Catalog / View / Business Settings / Options and tick the Enable Extended Product Description for Customer Reports this gives you an additional text field that won't appear on any of the product or cart pages but does appear on the printed receipts that you create with Actinic Order processing. Use this for your secret passkey or for a poor mans download link. The user then gets this info when the invoice is mailed to him. Now that's maybe too slow for most customers (or you don't intend to post anything) so for a a more instant solution read on:- It would be very easy to modify OrderScript.pl to lookup the REPORT_DESC data (that's what the Extended Product Description text mentioned above is keyed on in the .cat files) and to include it on the customer e-mail and / or the final order confirmation page (the one with the DONE button) as these are only sent / displayed after payment is made. If you're using off-line credit card processing or expecting significant fraud you may not want to go this route as a fraudulent customer can get a passkey with little effort (CC # 0000 0000 0000 0000 anyone?). Detailed patching instructions (for Customer E-mail only). Backup OrderScript.pl (your Site1 version). Now open OrderScript.pl in a text editor (not a word processor - see www.editpadlite.com for one). Search for "# Add components excluded" (without the quotes) and you'll find a block of code like below:- # # Add components excluded # foreach $pComponent (@aComponentsSeparated) { # # Add component line Immediately above the # # Add components excluded # stick this bit of code ##### Start - Norman trying for Report Desc Patch if (length $$pProduct{'REPORT_DESC'} > 0) { $ACTINIC::B2B->AppendXML('CART', "\r\n" . $$pProduct{'REPORT_DESC'} . "\r\n\r\n"); } ##### End - Norman trying for Report Desc Patch Update your site and test to destruction. Remember that Actinic don't support patched scripts and you'll have to re-do this patch if you update or re-install Actinic. Also note that this text goes into the customers confirmation e-mail and shouldn't contain html tags but as long as you pass the text of a fully formed url in Extended Product Description e.g. "To download your file please go to http://myserver.com/download/filename.zip and save to your disk" then that should be clickable in most modern e-mail clients. Norman (rouxel@drillpine.biz)