#!/usr/bin/perl ################################################################ # # # package ACTINIC_PXML - ACTINIC specific parser # # # # Separated from ACTINIC package in v6 # # # # This module contains the ACTINIC_PXML object description. # # This object is the Actinic specific event driven extension # # of the core PXML object. # # The basic member functions are inherited form the parent # # PXML object. The below described functions are the event # # (XML tag) handler functions. # # # # Each event hadler is called twice for each XML tag (open # # and end tag). These calls can be identified by the tag name.# # Each event handler receives the following arguments: # # $sTag - tag name # # $sInsideText - reference to text between start and end # # $ParameterHash - hash of parameters, # # $sId - current tag prefix, # # $sFullTag - full text of current tag; # # # # Author: Zoltan Magyar # # # # Copyright (c)2002 Actinic Software Ltd # # # ################################################################ package ACTINIC_PXML; push (@INC, "cgi-bin"); NETQUOTEVAR:INCLUDEPATHADJUSTMENT require NETQUOTEVAR:PXMLPACKAGE; # # Version # $ACTINIC_PXML::prog_name = 'ACTINIC_PXML.pm'; # Program Name $ACTINIC_PXML::prog_name = $ACTINIC_PXML::prog_name; # remove compiler warning $ACTINIC_PXML::prog_ver = '$Revision: 28 $ '; # program version $ACTINIC_PXML::prog_ver = substr($ACTINIC_PXML::prog_ver, 11); # strip the revision information $ACTINIC_PXML::prog_ver =~ s/ \$//; # and the trailers #use constant Version => "1.0, (PXML: " . PXML->Version . ")"; ############################################################ # # ACTINIC_PXML->new() - constructor for ACTINIC_PXML class # # A very standard constructor. Derives itself from PXML and # set up the event handler functions. # See object header and PXML.pm for more details. # # Author: Ryszard Zybert Dec 1 18:15:36 GMT 1999 # # Copyright (c) Actinic Software Ltd 1999 # ############################################################ use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(PXML); # inheritance sub new { my $Proto = shift; my $Class = ref($Proto) || $Proto; my $self = $Class->SUPER::new(); # dont pass arguments, we can use Set() bless ($self, $Class); # # Set up event handler functions # $self->Set( ID => 'Actinic:', # default prefix XMLERROR => "
" . ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 1972, $::g_sRequiredColor) . "". ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 218) . "" . ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 1970) . "
", MAINFRAME => sub { $self->MainFrameTagHandler(@_) }, # handle url of main frame PRICES => sub { $self->PriceTagHandler(@_) }, # price tag PRICE_EXPLANATION => sub { $self->ExplanationTagHandler(@_) }, # price explanation tag RETAIL_PRICE_TEXT => sub { $self->RetailPriceTextTagHandler(@_)}, # retail price text tag VAR => sub { $self->VarTagHandler(@_) }, # var tag SECTION => sub { $self->SectionTagHandler(@_) }, # section tag ADDRESSES => sub { $self->AddressTagHandler(@_) }, # addresses tag UNREG => sub { $self->UnregTagHandler(@_) }, # unregistered user tag IGNORE => sub { $self->IgnoreTagHandler(@_) }, # IGNORE tag (deletes text) REMOVE => sub { $self->RemoveTagHandler(@_) }, # Remove tag (deletes text if its parameter not defined) NOTINB2B => sub { $self->NotInB2BTagHandler(@_) }, # NOTINB2B tag (deletes text) BASEHREF => sub { $self->BaseHrefTagHandler(@_) }, # BASEHREF tag DEFAULT => sub { $self->DefaultTagHandler(@_) }, # unknown tags here XMLTEMPLATE => sub { $self->XMLTemplateTagHandler(@_) }, # XML template tag handler CARTERROR => sub { $self->CartErrorTagHandler(@_) }, # Cart error placeholder RETAIL_ONLY_SEARCH => sub { $self->RetailOnlySearchTagHandler(@_)}, LOCATION => sub { $self->LocationTagHandler(@_) }, # LOCATION tags EXTRAFOOTERTEXT => sub { $self->ExtraFooterTagHandler(@_) }, # EXTRAFOOTERTEXT tags EXTRACARTTEXT => sub { $self->ExtraCartTagHandler(@_) }, # EXTRACARTTEXT tags EXTRACARTBASEPLUSPERTEXT => sub { $self->ExtraCartBasePlusPerTagHandler(@_) }, # EXTRACARTBASEPLUSPERTEXT tags EXTRASHIPPINGTEXT => sub { $self->ExtraShippingTagHandler(@_) }, # EXTRASHIPPINGTEXT tags BASEPLUSPERRATEWARNING => sub { $self->BasePlusPerInfoTagHandler(@_) }, # BASEPLUSPERRATEWARNING tags DEFAULTTAXZONEMESSAGE => sub { $self->DefaultTaxZoneMessageTagHandler(@_)}, # DEFAULTTAXZONEMESSAGE tags SHOWFORPRICESCHEDULE => sub { $self->ShowForPriceScheduleTagHandler(@_) }, # ShowForPriceSchedule tags COOKIECHECK => sub { $self->AddCookieCheck(@_) }, # Cookie checking code placeholder ); $self->Set(@_); return $self; } ############################################################ # # ExplanationTagHandler - process the price explanation tag # # Input : $sTag - tag name # $sInsideText - reference to text between start and end, # $ParameterHash - hash of parameters, # $sId - current tag prefix, # $sFullTag - full text of current tag; # # Output : replacement for the tag # # Author : Zoltan Magyar Feb 22 23:22 GMT 2001 # # Copyright (c) Actinic Software Ltd (2001) # ############################################################ sub ExplanationTagHandler { my $Self = shift; my ($sTag, $sInsideText, $ParameterHash, $sId, $sFullTag) = @_; if( $sTag =~ /^\// ) # If End tag { return ""; } if( $Self->{CurrentSectionBlob} ) # If section blob set { my @Response; @Response = ACTINIC::GetProduct($ParameterHash->{PROD_REF}, $Self->{CurrentSectionBlob}, ACTINIC::GetPath()); # get this product object my ($Status, $Message, $pProduct) = @Response; if ($Status != $::SUCCESS) { return ""; } # If any problem, forget it if (defined $$pProduct{PRICES}) { # # Need to work out which prices to show # my ($bShowRetailPrices, $bShowCustomerPrices, $nAccountSchedule) = ACTINIC::DeterminePricesToShow(); my $sComments; if ($nAccountSchedule == -1) { $nAccountSchedule = $ActinicOrder::RETAILID; } # # Look up the apropriate product or component comment # if (defined $ParameterHash->{COMPONENTID} && $ParameterHash->{COMPONENTID} != -1) { my $nComponentID = $ParameterHash->{COMPONENTID}; # # Check that associated product pricing is used or not # and select the appropriate message # if ($pProduct->{COMPONENTS}[$nComponentID][$::CBIDX_ASSOCPRODPRICE] == 1) # if associated product prices are used { # # Get the message from associated product hash # my $Assoc = $pProduct->{COMPONENTS}[$nComponentID][$::CBIDX_PERMUTATIONS][0][$::PBIDX_ASSOCIATEDPROD]; # # Check if the associated product blob is defined # It is not defined when the associated product is out of stock # or the permutation is invalid. The [3][0][1] item contains # '+' or '-' strings in these cases (IOW no explanation hash). # if (ref $Assoc eq 'HASH') { $sComments = $$Assoc{PRICE_COMMENTS}->{$nAccountSchedule}; } } elsif (defined $pProduct->{COMPONENTS}[$nComponentID][$::CBIDX_EXPLANATION] && ref($pProduct->{COMPONENTS}[$nComponentID][$::CBIDX_EXPLANATION]) eq 'HASH') { $sComments = $pProduct->{COMPONENTS}[$nComponentID][$::CBIDX_EXPLANATION]->{$nAccountSchedule}; } } else { $sComments = $pProduct->{'PRICE_COMMENTS'}->{$nAccountSchedule}; } if ($sComments ne '') { $$sInsideText = ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 2296). $sComments . ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 2297); # wrap non empty text with BLOCKQUOTES } } } return ""; } ############################################################ # # RetailOnlySearchTagHandler - process the search tag # # Note: acts globally # # Input : $sTag - tag name # $sInsideText - reference to text between start and end, # $ParameterHash - hash of parameters, # $sId - current tag prefix, # $sFullTag - full text of current tag; # # Output : replacement for the tag # ############################################################ sub RetailOnlySearchTagHandler { my $Self = shift; my ($sTag, $sInsideText, $ParameterHash, $sId, $sFullTag) = @_; my $sDigest = $ACTINIC::B2B->Get('UserDigest'); # get the user identifying digest if ($sTag !~ /^\//) # If not End tag { if ($sDigest) # If there is a user remove tags and text { if (ref($sInsideText)) { $$sInsideText = ""; } } } else # here on the second call (the end tag) { return (''); # on the second pass, return nothing to prevent duplicate entries } # # If the buyer exists and does not see retail prices, note that the search is retail prices only # my $sRetailMessage = ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 357); if ($sDigest) # see which price schedule they use { my ($Status, $sMessage, $pBuyer) = ACTINIC::GetBuyer($sDigest, ACTINIC::GetPath()); # look up the buyer if ($Status == $::SUCCESS) { my $pAccount; ($Status, $sMessage, $pAccount) = ACTINIC::GetCustomerAccount($pBuyer->{AccountID}, ACTINIC::GetPath()); # find the account information if ($Status == $::SUCCESS) { if ($pAccount->{PriceSchedule} == $ActinicOrder::RETAILID) # if we can confirm that this buyer is using the retail schedule { $sRetailMessage = ''; # the message is unnecessary } } } } return ($sRetailMessage); } ############################################################ # # AddressTagHandler - callback for addresses # Replaces tag by address table # # Input : $sTag - tag name # $sInsideText - reference to text between start and end, # $ParameterHash - hash of parameters, # $sId - current tag prefix, # $sFullTag - full text of current tag; # # Output : replacement for the tag # # Author : Ryszard Zybert Jan 3 16:44:37 GMT 2000 # # Copyright (c) Actinic Software Ltd (2000) # ############################################################ sub AddressTagHandler { my $Self = shift; my ($sTag, $sInsideText, $ParameterHash, $sId, $sFullTag) = @_; my $sDigest = $ACTINIC::B2B->Get('UserDigest'); if( $sTag =~ /^\// ) # Ignore end-tags { return ""; } my ($Status, $sMessage, $pBuyer, $pAccount) = ACTINIC::GetBuyerAndAccount($sDigest, ACTINIC::GetPath()); if ($Status != $::SUCCESS) { if ($Status != $::NOTFOUND) { ACTINIC::ReportError($sMessage, ACTINIC::GetPath()); # if the error is not the missing digest the error should be reported } return(""); } # # Get the lists of valid addresses # my ($pAddress, $plistValidAddresses, $plistValidInvoiceAddresses, $plistValidDeliveryAddresses); ($Status, $sMessage, $plistValidInvoiceAddresses, $plistValidDeliveryAddresses) = ACTINIC::GetCustomerAddressLists($pBuyer, $pAccount); if ($Status != $::SUCCESS) { return(""); } my ($sType,$sSelect,$nRule,$sChecked); if ($ParameterHash->{TYPE} =~ /^INVOICE/) # Invoice address { $plistValidAddresses = $plistValidInvoiceAddresses; if ($pAccount->{InvoiceAddressRule} == 1) # The Customer rule overrides buyer rule { $nRule = 0; $sSelect = $pAccount->{InvoiceAddress};# Default (or fixed) address ($Status, $sMessage, $pAddress) = ACTINIC::GetCustomerAddress($$pBuyer{AccountID}, $sSelect, ACTINIC::GetPath()); if ($Status != $::SUCCESS) { ACTINIC::CloseCustomerAddressIndex(); # The customer index is left open for multiple access, so clean it up here return(""); } } else { $nRule = $pBuyer->{InvoiceAddressRule}; # Address rule for this user $sSelect = $pBuyer->{InvoiceAddressID}; # Default (or fixed) address if($nRule == 0 || ($nRule == 1 && $#$plistValidAddresses == 0)) { $nRule = 0; $pAddress = $plistValidAddresses->[0]; $sSelect = $pAddress->{ID}; } } } elsif( $ParameterHash->{TYPE} =~ /^DELIVERY/ ) # Delivery address { $plistValidAddresses = $plistValidDeliveryAddresses; $nRule = $pBuyer->{DeliveryAddressRule}; # Address rule for this user if($nRule == 0) { $sSelect = $pBuyer->{DeliveryAddressID}; ($Status, $sMessage, $pAddress) = ACTINIC::GetCustomerAddress($$pBuyer{AccountID}, $sSelect, ACTINIC::GetPath()); if ($Status != $::SUCCESS) { ACTINIC::CloseCustomerAddressIndex(); # The customer index is left open for multiple access, so clean it up here return (""); } } elsif($nRule == 1 && $#$plistValidAddresses == 0) { $nRule = 0; $pAddress = $plistValidAddresses->[0]; $sSelect = $pAddress->{ID}; } else { $sSelect = $pBuyer->{DeliveryAddressID}; # Default (or fixed) address } } if( $ParameterHash->{TYPE} =~ /FORM$/ ) # Address form { if( $nRule != 2 ) # Only shown for Rule 2 { $$sInsideText = ""; } ACTINIC::CloseCustomerAddressIndex(); # The customer index is left open for multiple access, so clean it up here return ""; } ACTINIC::CloseCustomerAddressIndex(); # The customer index is left open for multiple access, so clean it up here # # Format 'mini templates'. # Table title and address format depend on $nRule, there must be one for each rule # my $sTableFormat = $Self->{Variables}->{ADDRESS_TABLE}; my $sTitle = $Self->{Variables}->{'ADDRESS_TITLE' . $nRule}; my $sTitle_1 = $Self->{Variables}->{'ADDRESS_TITLE1' . $nRule}; my $sForm = '' . $Self->{Variables}->{'ADDRESS_FORM' . $nRule} . ''; # # Number of columns only matters if it results in more than one row # Otherwise existing addresses will expand to fill the table # my $nColumns = $Self->{Variables}->{ADDRESS_COLUMNS} || 1; # Number of columns - default to 1 if( !$sForm or !$sTableFormat ) { return ""; } # No formats - we cannot do that my $sAddressText = ""; if( $nRule == 0 ) # Rule 0 - fixed address { $sAddressText .= ''; # Just a single cell $sAddressText .= sprintf($sForm, $sSelect, # Address ID $pAddress->{Name}, # Address text follows $pAddress->{Line1}, $pAddress->{Line2}, $pAddress->{Line3}, $pAddress->{Line4}, $pAddress->{PostCode}, ACTINIC::GetCountryName($pAddress->{CountryCode})); $sAddressText .= ''; } else # Rule 1 - select from list { # Rule 2 - select or fill form $sTitle = sprintf($sTitle,ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 302)); # Insert title from prompts if( $nRule == 2 ) # Insert text for address form { if( $ParameterHash->{TYPE} =~ /^INVOICE/ ) { $sTitle_1 = sprintf($sTitle_1,ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 303,ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 304))); } else { $sTitle_1 = sprintf($sTitle_1,ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 303,ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 305))); } } my $nCount = 0; my $nRowCount = 0; my $sCh; foreach $pAddress (@$plistValidAddresses) { if( $nCount % $nColumns == 0 ) { $sAddressText .= ''; # New row } if( $pAddress->{ID} eq $sSelect and $nRule == 1 ) # For Rule 1 check default address { $sCh = ' CHECKED'; } else { $sCh = ''; } $sAddressText .= sprintf($sForm, ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 301), $pAddress->{ID}, # Address ID (for RADIO button) $sCh, # Optional 'CHECKED' $pAddress->{Name}, # Address text follows $pAddress->{Line1}, $pAddress->{Line2}, $pAddress->{Line3}, $pAddress->{Line4}, $pAddress->{PostCode}, ACTINIC::GetCountryName($pAddress->{CountryCode})); $nCount++; # Count cells if( $nCount % $nColumns == 0 ) # Full row { $sAddressText .= ''; # Close row $nRowCount++; # Count rows } } while( $nCount % $nColumns != 0 ) # Close table row if not closed { if( $nRowCount > 0 ) { $sAddressText .= ' ' } # If more than one row - add empty cells $nCount++; if( $nCount % $nColumns == 0 ) { $sAddressText .= ''; last; } } } $sAddressText =~ s/
/gi; # Remove leading commas $sAddressText =~ s/[,\s]*
/gi; # Remove trailing commas $sAddressText =~ s/(
/gi; # Remove blank lines return sprintf($sTableFormat, $sTitle, $$::g_pSetupBlob{FORM_EMPHASIS_COLOR}, # Border $$::g_pSetupBlob{FORM_BACKGROUND_COLOR}, # Background $sAddressText, $sTitle_1); return ""; } ############################################################ # # sub VarTagHandler - callback for variables # Sets variables # There should be NAME and VALUE parameters # $Self->{Variables}->{name} is set to value # # Input : $sTag - tag name # $sInsideText - reference to text between start and end, # $ParameterHash - hash of parameters, # $sId - current tag prefix, # $sFullTag - full text of current tag; # # Output : replacement for the tag # # Author : Ryszard Zybert Dec 7 20:58:25 GMT 1999 # # Copyright (c) Actinic Software Ltd (1999) # ############################################################ sub VarTagHandler { my $Self = shift; my ($sTag, $sInsideText, $ParameterHash, $sId, $sFullTag) = @_; if( $sTag !~ /^\// ) { $Self->{Variables}->{$ParameterHash->{NAME}} = $ParameterHash->{VALUE}; } return ""; } ############################################################ # # sub CartErrorTagHandler - cart error tag handler # # If any error message is set for the actual product reference # (in the ProdRef parameter) then replace the tag to the # error message. # # Input : $sTag - tag name # $sInsideText - reference to text between start and end, # $ParameterHash - hash of parameters, # $sId - current tag prefix, # $sFullTag - full text of current tag; # # Output : replacement for the tag # # Author : Zoltan Magyar, 5/14/2003 # # Copyright (c) Actinic Software Ltd 2003 # ############################################################ sub CartErrorTagHandler { my $Self = shift; my ($sTag, $sInsideText, $ParameterHash, $sId, $sFullTag) = @_; if( $sTag =~ /^\// ) { return ""; } # # Check if we have error message stored for the actual product reference # my $sErrorValue = $ACTINIC::B2B->GetXML("CartError_" . $ParameterHash->{ProdRef}); if (defined $sErrorValue) { return $sErrorValue; } return ""; } ############################################################ # # sub DefaultTagHandler - callback for unknown tags # Looks up the tag in the B2B XML Tags hash # If found - replaces the tag by it # (meaning the whole sequence) # If not doesn't -leaves everything untouched # # Input : $sTag - tag name # $sInsideText - reference to text between start and end, # $ParameterHash - hash of parameters, # $sId - current tag prefix, # $sFullTag - full text of current tag; # # Output : replacement for the tag # # Author : Ryszard Zybert Dec 7 20:58:25 GMT 1999 # # Copyright (c) Actinic Software Ltd (1999) # ############################################################ sub DefaultTagHandler { my $Self = shift; my ($sTag, $sInsideText, $ParameterHash, $sId, $sFullTag) = @_; my $sXMLTag = $ACTINIC::B2B->GetXML($sTag); if (defined $sXMLTag) { return $sXMLTag; } return $sFullTag; } ############################################################ # # XMLTemplateTagHandler - callback for XMLTEMPLATE tags # Looks up the NAME parameter in the B2B XML Tags hash # If found - replaces the tag by it # (meaning the whole sequence) # If not doesn't - removes everything # # Input : $sTag - tag name # $sInsideText - reference to text between start and end, # $ParameterHash - hash of parameters, # $sId - current tag prefix, # $sFullTag - full text of current tag; # # Output : replacement for the tag # # Author : Ryszard Zybert Dec 7 20:58:25 GMT 1999 # # Copyright (c) Actinic Software Ltd (1999) # ############################################################ sub XMLTemplateTagHandler { my $Self = shift; my ($sTag, $sInsideText, $ParameterHash, $sId, $sFullTag) = @_; if( $sTag =~ /^\// ) # Ignore end-tag completely { return ""; } my $sTagname = $ParameterHash->{NAME}; my $sXMLTag = $ACTINIC::B2B->GetXML($sTagname); if (defined $sXMLTag) { $$sInsideText = ""; # replace (i.e. don't leave enclosed text) return $sXMLTag; # return replacement } $$sInsideText = ""; return ""; } ############################################################ # # sub RetailPriceTextTagHandler - callback for retail text # Sets XML variable # B2B->{XML}->{tag} is set to value of text between tags # # Input : $sTag - tag name # $sInsideText - reference to text between start and end, # $ParameterHash - hash of parameters, # $sId - current tag prefix, # $sFullTag - full text of current tag; # # Output : empty string # ############################################################ sub RetailPriceTextTagHandler { my $Self = shift; my ($sTag, $sInsideText, $ParameterHash, $sId, $sFullTag) = @_; if( $sTag !~ /^\// ) # Ignore end-tag completely { if(ref($sInsideText)) # If there is text store it in XML variable { $ACTINIC::B2B->SetXML($sTag, $$sInsideText); my $sDigest = $ACTINIC::B2B->Get('UserDigest'); if ($sDigest) { $$sInsideText = ""; # Text not needed anymore for logged in } } } return ""; # Both tags also removed } ############################################################ # # DefaultRemovingTagHandler - callback for unknown tags # As DefaultTagHandler except that unknown tags are removed # together with all text between tags # # Looks up the tag in the B2B XML Tags hash # If found - replaces the tag by it # (meaning the whole sequence) # If not removes everything # # Input : $sTag - tag name # $sInsideText - reference to text between start and end, # $ParameterHash - hash of parameters, # $sId - current tag prefix, # $sFullTag - full text of current tag; # # Output : replacement for the tag # # Author : Ryszard Zybert Dec 7 20:58:25 GMT 1999 # # Copyright (c) Actinic Software Ltd (1999) # ############################################################ sub DefaultRemovingTagHandler { my $Self = shift; my ($sTag, $sInsideText, $ParameterHash, $sId, $sFullTag) = @_; my $sXMLTag = $ACTINIC::B2B->GetXML($sTag); if( defined($sXMLTag) ) # Don't touch text, return replacement tag { return $sXMLTag; } else # Clear both text and tag { if( ref($sInsideText) ) { $$sInsideText = ""; } return ""; } } ############################################################ # # IgnoreTagHandler # Remove text within the tag and the tag # # Input : $sTag - tag name # $sInsideText - reference to text between start and end, # $ParameterHash - hash of parameters, # $sId - current tag prefix, # $sFullTag - full text of current tag; # # Output : replacement for the tag # # Author : Ryszard Zybert Jul 25 22:30:51 BST 2000 # # Copyright (c) Actinic Software Ltd (2000) # ############################################################ sub IgnoreTagHandler { my $Self = shift; my ($sTag, $sInsideText, $ParameterHash, $sId, $sFullTag) = @_; if( ref($sInsideText) ) { $$sInsideText = ""; } return ""; } ############################################################ # # RemoveTagHandler # Remove text within the tag and the tag if the tag is not defined # # Input : $sTag - tag name # $sInsideText - reference to text between start and end, # $ParameterHash - hash of parameters, # $sId - current tag prefix, # $sFullTag - full text of current tag; # # Output : replacement for the tag # # Author : Zoltan Magyar 10:30 PM 3/13/2002 # # Copyright (c)2002 Actinic Software Ltd # ############################################################ sub RemoveTagHandler { my $Self = shift; my ($sTag, $sInsideText, $ParameterHash, $sId, $sFullTag) = @_; my $sTagID; if( $ParameterHash->{TAG} ) # VALUE contains HREF { $sTagID = $ParameterHash->{TAG}; # use it } my $sXMLTag = $ACTINIC::B2B->GetXML($sTagID); if( ref($sInsideText) && !$sXMLTag) { $$sInsideText = ""; } return ""; } ############################################################ # # sub BaseHrefTagHandler # Insert BASE HREF tag so that it is only present in dynamic pages # # Input : $sTag - tag name # $sInsideText - reference to text between start and end, # $ParameterHash - hash of parameters, # $sId - current tag prefix, # $sFullTag - full text of current tag; # # Output : replacement for the tag # # Author : Zoltan Magyar # # Copyright (c) Actinic Software Ltd (2000) # ############################################################ sub BaseHrefTagHandler { my $Self = shift; my ($sTag, $sInsideText, $ParameterHash, $sId, $sFullTag) = @_; if( $sTag =~ /^\// ) # If not End tag { return ""; } my $sReplace; my $sURL; if (defined $::Session) { $sURL = $::Session->GetBaseUrl(); } # # Separated CGI and catalog servers and the store branding are # mutually exclusive. So don't care store branding feature when # SSL is used for login and checkout pages only # if ($$::g_pSetupBlob{'SSL_USEAGE'} == "1") # if SSL is used for some pages { if( $ParameterHash->{VALUE} ) # VALUE contains HREF { $sReplace = $ParameterHash->{VALUE}; # use it } } # # Otherwise try to detemine the correct BASE HREF value to # maintain the store branding feature. # else { if ($sURL) # if non script page found use it { $sReplace = $sURL; # use referer } elsif( $ParameterHash->{VALUE} ) # VALUE contains HREF { $sReplace = $ParameterHash->{VALUE}; # use it } # # If it is the Brochure index page uploaded above acatalog # the fix up the URL by removing acatalog/ # if ( $ParameterHash->{FORCED} ) { $sReplace =~ s/acatalog\///; } } $$sInsideText = ''; # Insert the tag return ""; } ############################################################ # # NotInB2BTagHandler # If there is a registered user removes the tags end text between # # Input : $sTag - tag name # $sInsideText - reference to text between start and end, # $ParameterHash - hash of parameters, # $sId - current tag prefix, # $sFullTag - full text of current tag; # # Output : replacement for the tag # # Author : Ryszard Zybert Jul 28 14:20:06 BST 2000 # # Copyright (c) Actinic Software Ltd (2000) # ############################################################ sub NotInB2BTagHandler { my $Self = shift; my ($sTag, $sInsideText, $ParameterHash, $sId, $sFullTag) = @_; if( $sTag !~ /^\// ) # If not End tag { my $sDigest = $ACTINIC::B2B->Get('UserDigest'); if( $sDigest ) # If there is a user remove tags and text { if( ref($sInsideText) ) { $$sInsideText = ""; } } } return ""; } ############################################################ # # UnregTagHandler - callback for UNREG tag # If there is a registered user removes the tags end text between # Otherwise produces a warning page and bounces to login page # # Input : $sTag - tag name # $sInsideText - reference to text between start and end, # $ParameterHash - hash of parameters, # $sId - current tag prefix, # $sFullTag - full text of current tag; # # Output : replacement for the tag # # Author : Ryszard Zybert May 16 15:23:37 BST 2000 # # Copyright (c) Actinic Software Ltd (1999) # ############################################################ sub UnregTagHandler { my $Self = shift; my ($sTag, $sInsideText, $ParameterHash, $sId, $sFullTag) = @_; my $sDigest = $ACTINIC::B2B->Get('UserDigest'); if( $sTag =~ /^\// ) # If not End tag { return ""; } # # When we get here by an invalid user or password from the login page on a closed B2B site # the $sDigest won't be defined and we get "unregistered customers not allowed" error # instead of "invalid user" message. # So lets be tricky and check this case as well. # if( $sDigest || # If there is a user remove tags and text $::g_bLoginPage ) # or invalid user or password { if( ref($sInsideText) ) { $$sInsideText = ""; } return ""; } else { # # If we were here already then the processing should be stopped here # to avoid infinitive loop # if ($::g_RECURSION_ACTIVE) { return ""; } # # This will only have effect if JavaScript is disabled. # Otherwise there is a JavaScript alert and this script is no called # So - in this case we just show warning and jup back to original page # my ($Status, $sError, $sHTML) = ACTINIC::ReturnToLastPage(7," " , ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 208), $::g_sWebSiteUrl, $::g_sContentUrl, $::g_pSetupBlob, %::g_InputHash); if ($Status != $::SUCCESS) # If even this didn't work - we give up - there is an error { ACTINIC::ReportError($sError, ACTINIC::GetPath()); } # # ACTINIC::PrintPage calls the parser again # We should make sure this function won't be called recursively # so se a flag here and check above # $::g_RECURSION_ACTIVE = $::TRUE; ACTINIC::PrintPage($sHTML, undef, $::TRUE); # Print warning page and exit exit; } return ""; } ############################################################ # # PriceTagHandler - price tag callback # # Input : $sTag - tag name # $sInsideText - reference to text between start and end, # $ParameterHash - hash of parameters, # $sId - current tag prefix, # $sFullTag - full text of current tag; # # Output : replacement for the tag # # Author : Ryszard Zybert Dec 7 21:06:24 GMT 1999 # # Copyright (c) Actinic Software Ltd (1999) # ############################################################ sub PriceTagHandler { my $Self = shift; my ($sTag, $sInsideText, $ParameterHash, $sId, $sFullTag) = @_; if( $sTag =~ /^\// ) # If not End tag { return ""; } if( !$Self->{CurrentSectionBlob} || # If section blob not set !$ACTINIC::B2B->Get('UserDigest') ) # or not Business customer { return ""; } my @Response; # # We need the tax information to calculate the prices # if(!$ActinicOrder::bTaxDataParsed) { # # read the tax blob # @Response = ACTINIC::ReadTaxSetupFile(ACTINIC::GetPath()); if ($Response[0] != $::SUCCESS) { return (@Response); } ActinicOrder::ParseAdvancedTax(); } $Self->Parse($$sInsideText); @Response = ACTINIC::GetProduct($ParameterHash->{PROD_REF}, $Self->{CurrentSectionBlob}, ACTINIC::GetPath()); # get this product object my ($Status, $Message, $pProduct) = @Response; if ($Status != $::SUCCESS) { return ""; } # If any problem, forget it if (defined $$pProduct{PRICES}) { # # Need to know if this product has any variants # my ($VariantList, $sLine); if( $pProduct->{COMPONENTS} ) { ($VariantList, $sLine) = ACTINIC::GetVariantList($ParameterHash->{PROD_REF}); } # # Need to work out which prices to show # my ($bShowRetailPrices, $bShowCustomerPrices, $nAccountSchedule) = ACTINIC::DeterminePricesToShow(); my $sPriceLabelText = $ACTINIC::B2B->GetXML('RETAIL_PRICE_TEXT'); if($bShowRetailPrices && $bShowCustomerPrices) { my $sPriceLabel = ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 294, $sPriceLabelText); # # Show dealer and retail price # @Response = ActinicOrder::FormatSchedulePrices($pProduct, $ActinicOrder::RETAILID, \$VariantList, $sPriceLabel, $::TRUE, $::TRUE); # Show the retail price $$sInsideText = $Response[2]; $sPriceLabel = ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 293, $sPriceLabelText); @Response = ActinicOrder::FormatSchedulePrices($pProduct, $nAccountSchedule, \$VariantList, $sPriceLabel, $::FALSE, $::TRUE); # Show the dealer price $$sInsideText .= $Response[2]; } elsif($bShowCustomerPrices) { # # Show only dealer price # if (0 == scalar(@{$pProduct->{'PRICES'}->{$nAccountSchedule}})) { # # The product is unavailable if user's price schedule is not included # $$sInsideText = ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 351); # 'This product is currently unavailable' } else # user's price schedule included { @Response = ActinicOrder::FormatSchedulePrices($pProduct, $nAccountSchedule, \$VariantList, $ACTINIC::B2B->GetXML('RETAIL_PRICE_TEXT'), $::FALSE, $::TRUE); $$sInsideText = $Response[2]; } } else { # # Show only retail price # if (0 == scalar(@{$pProduct->{'PRICES'}->{$ActinicOrder::RETAILID}})) { # # The product is unavailable if the retail price is not included # $$sInsideText = ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 351); # 'This product is currently unavailable' } else { @Response = ActinicOrder::FormatSchedulePrices($pProduct, 1, \$VariantList, $ACTINIC::B2B->GetXML('RETAIL_PRICE_TEXT'), undef, $::TRUE, $::TRUE); $$sInsideText = $Response[2]; } } } return ""; # Always remove tag } ############################################################ # # sub SectionTagHandler - section tag callback # # Note: acts globally # $Self->{CurrentSectionBlob} is set here and kept # # Input : $sTag - tag name # $sInsideText - reference to text between start and end, # $ParameterHash - hash of parameters, # $sId - current tag prefix, # $sFullTag - full text of current tag; # # Output : replacement for the tag # # Author : Ryszard Zybert Dec 20 21:06:24 GMT 1999 # # Copyright (c) Actinic Software Ltd (1999) # ############################################################ sub SectionTagHandler { my $Self = shift; my ($sTag, $sInsideText, $ParameterHash, $sId) = @_; if( $sTag !~ /^\// ) # If not End tag { $Self->{CurrentSectionBlob} = $ParameterHash->{BLOB}; } return ""; # Always remove tag } ############################################################ # # sub MainFrameTagHandler # replace SRC parameter in a FRAME tag # # If MAINFRAME XML variable is defined and SRC=name is found # in inside text, name will be replaced by the value of MAINFRAME XML # variable. # # Input : $sTag - tag name # $sInsideText - reference to text between start and end, # $ParameterHash - hash of parameters, # $sId - current tag prefix, # $sFullTag - full text of current tag; # # Output : replacement for the tag # # Author : Ryszard Zybert Jul 18 11:26:08 BST 2000 # # Copyright (c) Actinic Software Ltd (2000) # ############################################################ sub MainFrameTagHandler { my $Self = shift; my ($sTag, $sInsideText, $ParameterHash, $sId) = @_; if( $sTag =~ /^\// ) # If not End tag { return ""; } my $sXMLTag; if( $::g_InputHash{MAINFRAMEURL} ) { $sXMLTag = $::g_InputHash{MAINFRAMEURL}; } else { $sXMLTag = $ACTINIC::B2B->GetXML("MAINFRAMEURL"); } if( defined($sXMLTag) ) # Replace SRC parameter by tag value { if( ref($sInsideText) ) { if( $sXMLTag !~ /^((http(s?):)|(\/))/ ) { # # Be sure we don't get frames in frames # if( $sXMLTag eq $$::g_pSetupBlob{FRAMESET_PAGE} ) # for catalog { $sXMLTag = $$::g_pSetupBlob{CATALOG_PAGE}; } if( $sXMLTag eq $$::g_pSetupBlob{BROCHURE_FRAMESET_PAGE} ) # for brochure { $sXMLTag = $$::g_pSetupBlob{BROCHURE_MAIN_PAGE}; } # # We should use absolute URLs here # $sXMLTag = $::g_sAccountScript . '?' . ($::g_InputHash{SHOP} ? 'SHOP=' . $::g_InputHash{SHOP} . "&" : "") . 'PRODUCTPAGE=' . $sXMLTag; } $$sInsideText =~ s/(\s+SRC\s*=\s*)((\"[^\"]+\")|([^\ \>]+))((\s+)|(\>+))/$1\"$sXMLTag\"$5/is; } } return ""; # Always remove tag } ############################################################ # # FormatPrice - format single price # # Input : $sTag - tag name # $sInsideText - reference to text between start and end, # $ParameterHash - hash of parameters, # $sId - current tag prefix, # $sFullTag - full text of current tag; # # Output : replacement for the tag # # Author : Ryszard Zybert Dec 29 23:07:05 GMT 1999 # # Copyright (c) Actinic Software Ltd (1999) # ############################################################ sub FormatPrice { my $Self = shift; my ($Price,$sPriceMsg,$sTax,$sIncTax,$bTaxExlusiveOnly,$bTaxInclusiveOnly) = @_; my ($sPrice,$sEPrice,$fPrice,$sPriceexl,$sPriceincl); my $sCurrency = $::g_pCatalogBlob->{SCURRENCY}; my $sEFormat = $::g_pSetupBlob->{EURO_FORMAT}; my $sECurrency = $::g_pCatalogBlob->{EUR}->{SCURRENCY}; my $fEuroConversion = $::g_pCatalogBlob->{EUR}->{EXCH_RATE}; my $sPFormat = '%s%.2f'; if( $bTaxExlusiveOnly ) # Exlusive only { $fPrice = $Price/100.0; # Price in real money } else # Inclusive or both { $fPrice = (1.0 + $::g_pSetupBlob->{TAX_1_RATE}/10000.0) * $Price/100.0; # Add tax } if( !$bTaxInclusiveOnly and !$bTaxExlusiveOnly ) # Display exclusive and inclusive prices { $sPriceexl = sprintf($sPFormat,$sCurrency,$Price/100.0); # Format exlusive price $sPriceincl = sprintf($sPFormat,$sCurrency,$fPrice); # Format inclusive price if( $::g_pSetupBlob->{EURO_PRICES} ) # Euro prices if needed { $sEPrice = sprintf($sPFormat,$sECurrency,$Price/$fEuroConversion/100.0);# Calculate Euro exclusive price $sPriceexl = sprintf($sEFormat,$sPriceexl,$sEPrice); # Format exclusive price string $sEPrice = sprintf($sPFormat,$sECurrency,$fPrice/$fEuroConversion); # Calculate Euro inclusive price $sPriceincl = sprintf($sEFormat,$sPriceincl,$sEPrice); # Format inclusive price string } return ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1,227,$sPriceMsg,$sPriceexl,$sPriceincl,$sIncTax); } $sPrice = sprintf($sPFormat,$sCurrency,$fPrice); # Format price if( $::g_pSetupBlob->{EURO_PRICES} ) # Add Euro price if needed { $sEPrice = sprintf($sPFormat,$sECurrency,$fPrice/$fEuroConversion); # Calculate Euro price $sPrice = sprintf($sEFormat,$sPrice,$sEPrice); # Format complete price string } return ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1,225,$sPriceMsg,$sPrice,$sTax); } ############################################################ # # FormatPriceRow - format price row # # Input : $sTag - tag name # $sInsideText - reference to text between start and end, # $ParameterHash - hash of parameters, # $sId - current tag prefix, # $sFullTag - full text of current tag; # # Output : replacement for the tag # # Author : Ryszard Zybert Dec 29 23:07:05 GMT 1999 # # Copyright (c) Actinic Software Ltd (1999) # ############################################################ sub FormatPriceRow { my $Self = shift; my ($Price,$sIncTax,$sQlimit,$bTaxExlusiveOnly,$bTaxInclusiveOnly) = @_; my ($sPrice,$sEPrice,$fPrice,$sPriceexl,$sPriceincl); my $sCurrency = $::g_pCatalogBlob->{SCURRENCY}; my $sEFormat = $::g_pSetupBlob->{EURO_FORMAT}; my $sECurrency = $::g_pCatalogBlob->{EUR}->{SCURRENCY}; my $fEuroConversion = $::g_pCatalogBlob->{EUR}->{EXCH_RATE}; my $sPFormat = '%s%.2f'; if( $bTaxExlusiveOnly ) # Exclusive only { $fPrice = $Price/100.0; # Price in real money } else # Inclusive or both { $fPrice = (1.0 + $::g_pSetupBlob->{TAX_1_RATE}/10000.0) * $Price/100.0; # Add tax } if( !$bTaxInclusiveOnly and !$bTaxExlusiveOnly ) # Display exclusive and inclusive prices { $sPriceexl = sprintf($sPFormat,$sCurrency,$Price/100.0); # Format exclusive $sPriceincl = sprintf($sPFormat,$sCurrency,$fPrice); # Format inclusive if( $::g_pSetupBlob->{EURO_PRICES} ) # Add Euro price if needed { $sEPrice = sprintf($sPFormat,$sECurrency,$Price/$fEuroConversion/100.0);# Exclusive $sPriceexl = sprintf($sEFormat,$sPriceexl,$sEPrice); $sEPrice = sprintf($sPFormat,$sECurrency,$fPrice/$fEuroConversion); # Inclusive $sPriceincl = sprintf($sEFormat,$sPriceincl,$sEPrice); } if( $Self->{Variables}->{FORMAT_PRICE_ROW_BOTH} ) # If there is a variable, use it { return sprintf($Self->{Variables}->{FORMAT_PRICE_ROW_BOTH},$sPriceexl,$sPriceincl,$sIncTax,$sQlimit); } else # Otherwise use prompt 228 { return ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1,228,$sPriceexl,$sPriceincl,$sIncTax,$sQlimit); } } $sPrice = sprintf($sPFormat,$sCurrency,$fPrice); # Display either exclusive or inclusive if( $::g_pSetupBlob->{EURO_PRICES} ) # Add Euro prices if needed { $sEPrice = sprintf($sPFormat,$sECurrency,$fPrice/$fEuroConversion); $sPrice = sprintf($sEFormat,$sPrice,$sEPrice); } if( $Self->{Variables}->{FORMAT_PRICE_ROW} ) # If there is a variable, use it { return sprintf($Self->{Variables}->{FORMAT_PRICE_ROW},$sPrice,$sQlimit); } else # Otherwise use prompt 224 { return ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1,224,$sPrice,$sQlimit); } } ############################################################ # # LocationTagHandler - callback for LOCATION tag # # Displays the location in the appropriate form # # Input : $sTag - tag name # $sInsideText - reference to text between start and end, # $ParameterHash - hash of parameters, # $sId - current tag prefix, # $sFullTag - full text of current tag; # # Output : replacement for the tag # ############################################################ sub LocationTagHandler { my $Self = shift; my ($sTag, $sInsideText, $ParameterHash, $sId, $sFullTag) = @_; if( $sTag =~ /^\// ) { return ""; } my $sType = $ParameterHash->{TYPE}; my ($sHTMLFormat, $sHTML, $sReplace); my $sNonEditableFormat = ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 2066); my $sEditableFormat = ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 2067, ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 1973), '%s', ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 1970), '%s', '%s', ACTINIC::GetPhrase(0, 18)); my $sDigest = $ACTINIC::B2B->Get('UserDigest'); # # Get the lists of valid customer account buyer addresses # my ($pAddress, $plistValidInvoiceAddresses, $plistValidDeliveryAddresses, $nInvoiceID, $nDeliveryID, $sCountryInvoiceHTML, $sStateInvoiceHTML, $sCountryDeliveryHTML, $sStateDeliveryHTML); $nInvoiceID = -1; $nDeliveryID = -1; my ($pSingleInvoiceAddress, $pSingleDeliveryAddress); if($sDigest ne '') { my ($Status, $sMessage, $pBuyer, $pAccount) = ACTINIC::GetBuyerAndAccount($sDigest, ACTINIC::GetPath()); if ($Status != $::SUCCESS) { ACTINIC::ReportError($sMessage, ACTINIC::GetPath()); } ($Status, $sMessage, $plistValidInvoiceAddresses, $plistValidDeliveryAddresses, $nInvoiceID, $nDeliveryID) = ACTINIC::GetCustomerAddressLists($pBuyer, $pAccount, $::TRUE); if ($Status != $::SUCCESS) { ACTINIC::ReportError($sMessage, ACTINIC::GetPath()); } # # If there's a single invoice address, get it # if($nInvoiceID != -1) { $pSingleInvoiceAddress = pop(@$plistValidInvoiceAddresses); } elsif($pBuyer->{InvoiceAddressRule} == 1) { ($Status, $sMessage, $sCountryInvoiceHTML, $sStateInvoiceHTML) = ActinicOrder::GetBuyerLocationSelections($plistValidInvoiceAddresses, 'LocationInvoiceCountry', 'LocationInvoiceRegion', 'lstInvoiceCountry', 'lstInvoiceRegion', 'INVOICE', $pBuyer->{InvoiceAddressID}); } # # If there's a single delivery address, get it # if($nDeliveryID != -1) { $pSingleDeliveryAddress = pop(@$plistValidDeliveryAddresses); } elsif($pBuyer->{DeliveryAddressRule} == 1) { ($Status, $sMessage, $sCountryDeliveryHTML, $sStateDeliveryHTML) = ActinicOrder::GetBuyerLocationSelections($plistValidDeliveryAddresses, 'LocationDeliveryCountry', 'LocationDeliveryRegion', 'lstDeliveryCountry', 'lstDeliveryRegion', 'DELIVERY', $pBuyer->{DeliveryAddressID}); } } if(ref($sInsideText)) { if(!$$::g_pLocationList{EXPECT_INVOICE} && !$$::g_pLocationList{EXPECT_DELIVERY}) { return(''); } # # Handle location selection for customer accounts # # Start with delivery country selection # if($sType eq 'DELIVERSELECTCOUNTRY') # location country selection? { if($pSingleDeliveryAddress) { $$sInsideText = sprintf($sNonEditableFormat, ACTINIC::GetCountryName($pSingleDeliveryAddress->{CountryCode}), 'LocationDeliveryCountry', $pSingleDeliveryAddress->{CountryCode}); } elsif($sCountryDeliveryHTML ne '') { $$sInsideText = $sCountryDeliveryHTML; } } # # Next with delivery state selection # if($sType eq 'DELIVERSELECTSTATE') # location state selection? { if($pSingleDeliveryAddress) { my $sStateName = ACTINIC::GetCountryName($pSingleDeliveryAddress->{StateCode}); $$sInsideText = sprintf($sNonEditableFormat, ($sStateName ne '') ? $sStateName : '', 'LocationDeliveryRegion', ($sStateName ne '') ? $pSingleDeliveryAddress->{StateCode} : $ActinicOrder::UNDEFINED_REGION); } elsif($sStateDeliveryHTML ne '') { $$sInsideText = $sStateDeliveryHTML; } } # # Next invoice country selection # if($sType eq 'INVOICESELECTCOUNTRY') # location country selection? { if($pSingleInvoiceAddress) { $$sInsideText = sprintf($sNonEditableFormat, ACTINIC::GetCountryName($pSingleInvoiceAddress->{CountryCode}), 'LocationInvoiceCountry', $pSingleInvoiceAddress->{CountryCode}); } elsif($sCountryInvoiceHTML ne '') { $$sInsideText = $sCountryInvoiceHTML; } } # # Next invoice state selection # if($sType eq 'INVOICESELECTSTATE') # location state selection? { if($pSingleInvoiceAddress) { my $sStateName = ACTINIC::GetCountryName($pSingleInvoiceAddress->{StateCode}); $$sInsideText = sprintf($sNonEditableFormat, ($sStateName ne '') ? $sStateName : '', 'LocationInvoiceRegion', ($sStateName ne '') ? $pSingleInvoiceAddress->{StateCode} : $ActinicOrder::UNDEFINED_REGION); } elsif($sStateInvoiceHTML ne '') { $$sInsideText = $sStateInvoiceHTML; } } if($sType eq 'SEPARATESHIP') # separate shipping address? { if($::g_LocationInfo{SEPARATESHIP}) # turned on? { $sReplace = sprintf($sEditableFormat, ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 1914), $sType, ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 1914)); } else { $sReplace = sprintf($sEditableFormat, ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 1915), $sType, ""); } $$sInsideText =~ s//$sReplace/ig; # # Replace the checkbox instruction prompt with an appropriate label # my $sPrompt = ACTINIC::GetPhrase(0, 16); $sReplace = ACTINIC::GetPhrase(0, 19); if($sPrompt ne '') { $$sInsideText =~ s/$sPrompt/$sReplace/; } } # # If we're expecting invoice information or # we expect delivery but the same addresses are used # if($$::g_pLocationList{EXPECT_INVOICE} || ($$::g_pLocationList{EXPECT_DELIVERY} && $::g_LocationInfo{SEPARATESHIP} eq '')) { # # Get the number of available countries depending upon whether we expect invoica and/or delivery info # my $nCountryCount; if($$::g_pLocationList{EXPECT_INVOICE}) { $nCountryCount = $$::g_pLocationList{INVOICE_COUNTRY_COUNT}; } else { $nCountryCount = $$::g_pLocationList{DELIVERY_COUNTRY_COUNT}; } # # Now go through the location tag types # if($sType eq 'INVOICEPOSTALCODE') { if($nInvoiceID != -1) { $sReplace = sprintf($sNonEditableFormat, $::g_LocationInfo{INVOICEPOSTALCODE}, $sType, $::g_LocationInfo{INVOICEPOSTALCODE}); $$sInsideText =~ s//$sReplace/ig; } elsif((defined $$::g_pLocationList{INVOICEPOSTALCODE} && $$::g_pLocationList{INVOICEPOSTALCODE}) || (defined $$::g_pLocationList{DELIVERPOSTALCODE} && $$::g_pLocationList{DELIVERPOSTALCODE} && $::g_LocationInfo{SEPARATESHIP} eq '')) { $sReplace = sprintf($sEditableFormat, $::g_LocationInfo{INVOICEPOSTALCODE}, $sType, $::g_LocationInfo{INVOICEPOSTALCODE}); $$sInsideText =~ s//$sReplace/ig; } } elsif($sType eq 'INVOICEADDRESS3') { # $$sInsideText = '' .$sType. ''; } elsif($sType eq 'INVOICEADDRESS4') { if(((defined $$::g_pLocationList{INVOICEADDRESS4} && $$::g_pLocationList{INVOICEADDRESS4}) || (defined $$::g_pLocationList{DELIVERADDRESS4} && $$::g_pLocationList{DELIVERADDRESS4} && $::g_LocationInfo{SEPARATESHIP} eq '')) && $::g_LocationInfo{INVOICE_REGION_CODE} && $::g_LocationInfo{INVOICE_REGION_CODE} ne $ActinicOrder::UNDEFINED_REGION) { if($$::g_pLocationList{$::g_LocationInfo{INVOICE_COUNTRY_CODE}}{INVOICE_STATE_COUNT} < 2) { $sHTMLFormat = $sNonEditableFormat; } else { $sHTMLFormat = $sEditableFormat; } $sReplace = sprintf($sHTMLFormat, ACTINIC::GetCountryName($::g_LocationInfo{INVOICE_REGION_CODE}), $sType, ACTINIC::GetCountryName($::g_LocationInfo{INVOICE_REGION_CODE})); $$sInsideText =~ s//$sReplace/ig; } } elsif($sType eq 'INVOICECOUNTRY') { if(($$::g_pLocationList{INVOICECOUNTRY} || ($$::g_pLocationList{DELIVERCOUNTRY} && $::g_LocationInfo{SEPARATESHIP} eq ''))) { # # Find out which country code we should be using # my $sKnownCountryCode; if($$::g_pLocationList{INVOICECOUNTRY}) { if($::g_LocationInfo{INVOICE_COUNTRY_CODE} ne $ActinicOrder::UNDEFINED_COUNTRY && $::g_LocationInfo{INVOICE_COUNTRY_CODE} ne $ActinicOrder::REGION_NOT_SUPPLIED) { $sKnownCountryCode = $::g_LocationInfo{INVOICE_COUNTRY_CODE}; } } elsif($$::g_pLocationList{DELIVERCOUNTRY} && $::g_LocationInfo{SEPARATESHIP} eq '') { if($::g_LocationInfo{DELIVERY_COUNTRY_CODE} ne $ActinicOrder::UNDEFINED_COUNTRY && $::g_LocationInfo{DELIVERY_COUNTRY_CODE} ne $ActinicOrder::REGION_NOT_SUPPLIED) { $sKnownCountryCode = $::g_LocationInfo{DELIVERY_COUNTRY_CODE}; } } # # If we don't have a code, leave untouched # if($sKnownCountryCode eq '') { return(''); } # # Decide whether we can change it # if($nCountryCount < 2) { $sHTMLFormat = $sNonEditableFormat; } else { $sHTMLFormat = $sEditableFormat; } # # Format the replacement # $sReplace = sprintf($sHTMLFormat, ACTINIC::GetCountryName($::g_LocationInfo{INVOICE_COUNTRY_CODE}), $sType, ACTINIC::GetCountryName($::g_LocationInfo{INVOICE_COUNTRY_CODE})); # # Do the replacement # $$sInsideText =~ s//$sReplace/ig; } } } if($$::g_pLocationList{EXPECT_DELIVERY} || ($$::g_pLocationList{EXPECT_INVOICE} && $::g_LocationInfo{SEPARATESHIP} eq '')) { # # Get the number of available countries depending upon whether we expect invoica and/or delivery info # my $nCountryCount; if($$::g_pLocationList{EXPECT_DELIVERY}) { $nCountryCount = $$::g_pLocationList{DELIVERY_COUNTRY_COUNT}; } else { $nCountryCount = $$::g_pLocationList{INVOICE_COUNTRY_COUNT}; } if($sType eq 'DELIVERPOSTALCODE') { if($$::g_pLocationList{DELIVERPOSTALCODE}) { $sReplace = sprintf($sEditableFormat, $::g_LocationInfo{DELIVERPOSTALCODE}, $sType, $::g_LocationInfo{DELIVERPOSTALCODE}); $$sInsideText =~ s//$sReplace/ig; } } elsif($sType eq 'DELIVERADDRESS3') { # $$sInsideText = '' .$sType. ''; } elsif($sType eq 'DELIVERADDRESS4') { if($::g_LocationInfo{DELIVERY_REGION_CODE} && $::g_LocationInfo{DELIVERY_REGION_CODE} ne $ActinicOrder::UNDEFINED_REGION) { if($$::g_pLocationList{$::g_LocationInfo{DELIVERY_COUNTRY_CODE}}{DELIVERY_STATE_COUNT} < 2) { $sHTMLFormat = $sNonEditableFormat; } else { $sHTMLFormat = $sEditableFormat; } $sReplace = sprintf($sHTMLFormat, ACTINIC::GetCountryName($::g_LocationInfo{DELIVERY_REGION_CODE}), $sType, ACTINIC::GetCountryName($::g_LocationInfo{DELIVERY_REGION_CODE})); $$sInsideText =~ s//$sReplace/ig; } } elsif($sType eq 'DELIVERCOUNTRY') { if($::g_LocationInfo{DELIVERY_COUNTRY_CODE} && $::g_LocationInfo{DELIVERY_COUNTRY_CODE} ne $ActinicOrder::UNDEFINED_COUNTRY && $::g_LocationInfo{DELIVERY_COUNTRY_CODE} ne $ActinicOrder::REGION_NOT_SUPPLIED) { if($nCountryCount < 2) { $sHTMLFormat = $sNonEditableFormat; } else { $sHTMLFormat = $sEditableFormat; } $sReplace = sprintf($sHTMLFormat, ACTINIC::GetCountryName($::g_LocationInfo{DELIVERY_COUNTRY_CODE}), $sType, ACTINIC::GetCountryName($::g_LocationInfo{DELIVERY_COUNTRY_CODE})); $$sInsideText =~ s//$sReplace/ig; } } } } return(''); } ############################################################ # # ExtraFooterTagHandler - callback for ExtraFooter tag # # Displays the extra footer in the appropriate form # # Input : $sTag - tag name # $sInsideText - reference to text between start and end, # $ParameterHash - hash of parameters, # $sId - current tag prefix, # $sFullTag - full text of current tag; # # Output : replacement for the tag # # Author : Mike Purnell # ############################################################ sub ExtraFooterTagHandler { my $Self = shift; my ($sTag, $sInsideText, $ParameterHash, $sId, $sFullTag) = @_; if( $sTag !~ /^\// ) { if(ref($sInsideText)) { my $nSSPProviderID; my $sTemplate = $$sInsideText; $$sInsideText = ''; # # For each shipping provider display their trademark text + logo # my %hTrademarkProviderIDs; if ($ACTINIC::B2B->GetXML('ShippingDisclaimingDisplayed') == $::TRUE) # we are on the shipping charge checkout page { %hTrademarkProviderIDs = (%::s_Ship_hShippingClassProviderIDs, %::s_Ship_hBasePlusPerProviderIDs); # collect shipping class providers and base-plus-per providers } if ($::s_Ship_bDisplayExtraCartInformation && # the shipping cost is calculated by a shipping provider $::s_Ship_nSSPProviderID != -1) { $hTrademarkProviderIDs{$::s_Ship_nSSPProviderID} = $::TRUE; # add the actual shipping provider } foreach $nSSPProviderID (keys %hTrademarkProviderIDs) { my %hVariables; $hVariables{$::VARPREFIX . 'POWEREDBYLOGO'} = $$::g_pSSPSetupBlob{$nSSPProviderID}{'POWERED_BY_LOGO'}; $hVariables{$::VARPREFIX . 'TRADEMARKS'} = $$::g_pSSPSetupBlob{$nSSPProviderID}{'TRADEMARKS'}; my @Response = ACTINIC::TemplateString($sTemplate, \%hVariables); # make the substitutions my ($Status, $Message, $sLine) = @Response; if ($Status != $::SUCCESS) { # # Display nothing in case of an error # $$sInsideText = ''; return (''); } $$sInsideText .= $sLine; } return (''); } } # # Nothing will be displayed at this phase # $$sInsideText = ''; return(''); } ############################################################ # # ExtraCartTagHandler - callback for EXTRACARTTEXT tag # # Displays the extra cart text in the appropriate form # # Input : $sTag - tag name # $sInsideText - reference to text between start and end, # $ParameterHash - hash of parameters, # $sId - current tag prefix, # $sFullTag - full text of current tag; # # Output : replacement for the tag # # Author : Tibor Vajda # ############################################################ sub ExtraCartTagHandler { my $Self = shift; my ($sTag, $sInsideText, $ParameterHash, $sId, $sFullTag) = @_; if( $sTag !~ /^\// ) { if(ref($sInsideText)) { if ($::s_Ship_bDisplayExtraCartInformation && $::s_Ship_nSSPProviderID != -1 && $::s_Ship_sOpaqueShipData !~ /BasePlusIncrement/) { # # Diplay the rate disclaimer text + logo for the current shipping provider # my %hVariables; $hVariables{$::VARPREFIX . 'POWEREDBYLOGO'} = $$::g_pSSPSetupBlob{$::s_Ship_nSSPProviderID}{'POWERED_BY_LOGO'}; $hVariables{$::VARPREFIX . 'RATEDISCLAIMER'} = $$::g_pSSPSetupBlob{$::s_Ship_nSSPProviderID}{'RATE_DISCLAIMER'}; my @Response = ACTINIC::TemplateString($$sInsideText, \%hVariables); # make the substitutions my ($Status, $Message, $sLine) = @Response; if ($Status == $::SUCCESS) { $$sInsideText = $sLine; return (''); } } } } # # Nothing will be displayed at this phase # $$sInsideText = ''; return(''); } ############################################################ # # ExtraCartBasePlusPerTagHandler - callback for EXTRACARTBASEPLUSPERTEXT tag # # Displays the extra cart base plus per text in the appropriate form # # Input : $sTag - tag name # $sInsideText - reference to text between start and end, # $ParameterHash - hash of parameters, # $sId - current tag prefix, # $sFullTag - full text of current tag; # # Output : replacement for the tag # # Author : Tibor Vajda # ############################################################ sub ExtraCartBasePlusPerTagHandler { my $Self = shift; my ($sTag, $sInsideText, $ParameterHash, $sId, $sFullTag) = @_; if( $sTag !~ /^\// ) { if(ref($sInsideText)) { if ($::s_Ship_bDisplayExtraCartInformation && $::s_Ship_nSSPProviderID != -1 && $::s_Ship_sOpaqueShipData =~ /BasePlusIncrement/) { # # Diplay the rate disclaimer text + logo for the current shipping provider # my %hVariables; $hVariables{$::VARPREFIX . 'BASE_PLUS_PER_RATE_DISCLAIMER'} = $$::g_pSSPSetupBlob{$::s_Ship_nSSPProviderID}{'BASE_PLUS_PER_RATE_DISCLAIMER'}; my @Response = ACTINIC::TemplateString($$sInsideText, \%hVariables); # make the substitutions my ($Status, $Message, $sLine) = @Response; if ($Status == $::SUCCESS) { $$sInsideText = $sLine; return (''); } } } } # # Nothing will be displayed at this phase # $$sInsideText = ''; return(''); } ############################################################ # # ExtraShippingTagHandler - callback for EXTRASHIPPINGTEXT tag # # Displays the extra shipping bar text in the appropriate form # # Input : $sTag - tag name # $sInsideText - reference to text between start and end, # $ParameterHash - hash of parameters, # $sId - current tag prefix, # $sFullTag - full text of current tag; # # Output : replacement for the tag # # Author : Tibor Vajda # ############################################################ sub ExtraShippingTagHandler { my $Self = shift; my ($sTag, $sInsideText, $ParameterHash, $sId, $sFullTag) = @_; if( $sTag !~ /^\// ) { if(ref($sInsideText)) { # # Remember that we displayed provider info cause we have to display tradmark info as well # $ACTINIC::B2B->SetXML('ShippingDisclaimingDisplayed', $::TRUE); # # Init variables # my $nSSPProviderID; my $sTemplate = $$sInsideText; $$sInsideText = ''; # # For each shipping class provider display their disclaimer text + logo # foreach $nSSPProviderID (keys %::s_Ship_hShippingClassProviderIDs) { my %hVariables; $hVariables{$::VARPREFIX . 'POWEREDBYLOGO'} = $$::g_pSSPSetupBlob{$nSSPProviderID}{'POWERED_BY_LOGO'}; $hVariables{$::VARPREFIX . 'RATEDISCLAIMER'} = $$::g_pSSPSetupBlob{$nSSPProviderID}{'RATE_DISCLAIMER'}; my @Response = ACTINIC::TemplateString($sTemplate, \%hVariables); # make the substitutions my ($Status, $Message, $sLine) = @Response; if ($Status != $::SUCCESS) { # # Display nothing in case of an error # $$sInsideText = ''; return (''); } $$sInsideText .= $sLine; } return (''); } } # # Nothing will be displayed at this phase # $$sInsideText = ''; return(''); } ############################################################ # # BasePlusPerInfoTagHandler - callback for EXTRABASEPLUSPERTEXT tag # # Displays the extra base plus per warning text in the appropriate form # # Input : $sTag - tag name # $sInsideText - reference to text between start and end, # $ParameterHash - hash of parameters, # $sId - current tag prefix, # $sFullTag - full text of current tag; # # Output : replacement for the tag # # Author : Tibor Vajda # ############################################################ sub BasePlusPerInfoTagHandler { my $Self = shift; my ($sTag, $sInsideText, $ParameterHash, $sId, $sFullTag) = @_; if( $sTag !~ /^\// ) { if(ref($sInsideText)) { # # Remember that we displayed provider info cause we have to display tradmark info as well # $ACTINIC::B2B->SetXML('ShippingDisclaimingDisplayed', $::TRUE); # # Init variables # my $nSSPProviderID; my $sTemplate = $$sInsideText; $$sInsideText = ''; # # For each base plus per provider display their disclaimer text + logo # foreach $nSSPProviderID (keys %::s_Ship_hBasePlusPerProviderIDs) { my %hVariables; $hVariables{$::VARPREFIX . 'BASE_PLUS_PER_RATE_DISCLAIMER'} = $$::g_pSSPSetupBlob{$nSSPProviderID}{'BASE_PLUS_PER_RATE_DISCLAIMER'}; my @Response = ACTINIC::TemplateString($sTemplate, \%hVariables); # make the substitutions my ($Status, $Message, $sLine) = @Response; if ($Status != $::SUCCESS) { # # Display nothing in case of an error # $$sInsideText = ''; return (''); } $$sInsideText .= $sLine; } return (''); } } # # Nothing will be displayed at this phase # $$sInsideText = ''; return(''); } ############################################################ # # DefaultTaxZoneMessageTagHandler - callback for DEFAULTTAXZONEMESSAGE tag # # Displays the default tax zone message in the appropriate form # # Input : $sTag - tag name # $sInsideText - reference to text between start and end, # $ParameterHash - hash of parameters, # $sId - current tag prefix, # $sFullTag - full text of current tag; # # Output : replacement for the tag # # Author : Mike Purnell # ############################################################ sub DefaultTaxZoneMessageTagHandler { my $Self = shift; my ($sTag, $sInsideText, $ParameterHash, $sId, $sFullTag) = @_; if( $sTag !~ /^\// ) { return ""; } if(ref($sInsideText)) { if($ActinicOrder::s_nContext != $ActinicOrder::FROM_CART) { return(''); } my ($sMessage, $sLocationDescription); # # Display message in smallest font # my $sFontOpen = ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 1967); my $sFontClose = ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 1970); # # Customise the message depending upon delivery or invoice # if($::g_pTaxSetupBlob->{TAX_BY} != $ActinicOrder::eTaxAlways) { $sLocationDescription = ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 2084); if($::g_pTaxSetupBlob->{TAX_BY} == $ActinicOrder::eTaxByInvoice) { if(defined $::g_LocationInfo{INVOICE_COUNTRY_CODE} && $::g_LocationInfo{INVOICE_COUNTRY_CODE} ne '' && $::g_LocationInfo{INVOICE_COUNTRY_CODE} ne $ActinicOrder::UNDEFINED_REGION && $::g_LocationInfo{INVOICE_COUNTRY_CODE} ne $ActinicOrder::REGION_NOT_SUPPLIED) { if(defined $::g_LocationInfo{INVOICE_REGION_CODE} && $::g_LocationInfo{INVOICE_REGION_CODE} ne '' && $::g_LocationInfo{INVOICE_REGION_CODE} ne $ActinicOrder::UNDEFINED_REGION) { $sLocationDescription = ACTINIC::GetCountryName($::g_LocationInfo{INVOICE_REGION_CODE}); } else { $sLocationDescription = ACTINIC::GetCountryName($::g_LocationInfo{INVOICE_COUNTRY_CODE}); } } } else { if(defined $::g_LocationInfo{DELIVERY_COUNTRY_CODE} && $::g_LocationInfo{DELIVERY_COUNTRY_CODE} ne '' && $::g_LocationInfo{DELIVERY_COUNTRY_CODE} ne $ActinicOrder::UNDEFINED_REGION && $::g_LocationInfo{DELIVERY_COUNTRY_CODE} ne $ActinicOrder::REGION_NOT_SUPPLIED) { if(defined $::g_LocationInfo{DELIVERY_REGION_CODE} && $::g_LocationInfo{DELIVERY_REGION_CODE} ne '' && $::g_LocationInfo{DELIVERY_REGION_CODE} ne $ActinicOrder::UNDEFINED_REGION) { $sLocationDescription = ACTINIC::GetCountryName($::g_LocationInfo{DELIVERY_REGION_CODE}); } else { $sLocationDescription = ACTINIC::GetCountryName($::g_LocationInfo{DELIVERY_COUNTRY_CODE}); } } } # # Customise the message depending upon the location info early flag # my $bRequestInfoEarly = $$::g_pSetupBlob{'TAX_AND_SHIP_EARLY'}; my $sMessage = $sFontOpen . sprintf(ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 2083), $sLocationDescription); $sMessage .= $sFontClose; $$sInsideText = $sMessage; } else { $$sInsideText = ''; } } return(''); } ############################################################ # # ShowForPriceScheduleTagHandler - process the price schedule tags # # Input : $sTag - tag name # $sInsideText - reference to text between start and end, # $ParameterHash - hash of parameters, # $sId - current tag prefix, # $sFullTag - full text of current tag; # # Output : $sInsideText contains replacement for the tag # # Author : Tibor Vajda # # Copyright (c) Actinic Software Ltd (2002) ############################################################ sub ShowForPriceScheduleTagHandler { my $Self = shift; my ($sTag, $sInsideText, $ParameterHash, $sId, $sFullTag) = @_; # # There is nothing to do with the End tag # if ($sTag =~ /^\//) # If End tag { return (''); } # # Find the schedule Id of the actual user # my $nScheduleID = $ActinicOrder::RETAILID; # current user's schedule id (retail by default) my ($Status, $sMessage, $pBuyer, $pAccount); # helpers my $sDigest = $ACTINIC::B2B->Get('UserDigest'); # get the user identifying digest if ($sDigest) # if there is logged in user { my ($Status, $sMessage, $pBuyer) = ACTINIC::GetBuyer($sDigest, ACTINIC::GetPath()); # look up the buyer if ($Status == $::SUCCESS) # we found the buyer info associated to this user { ($Status, $sMessage, $pAccount) = ACTINIC::GetCustomerAccount($pBuyer->{AccountID}, ACTINIC::GetPath()); # find the account information if ($Status == $::SUCCESS) { $nScheduleID = $pAccount->{PriceSchedule} } } # # Handling error # if ($Status != $::SUCCESS) # schedule ID couldn't be located for some reason { ACTINIC::ReportError($sMessage, ACTINIC::GetPath()); } } # # Determine html text to be printed out # - if the xml element contains attribute 'HTML', then use its content # - otherwise use the node's text value (which is actually $sInsideText) # if ($ParameterHash->{'HTML'}) { $$sInsideText = $ParameterHash->{'HTML'}; } # # Loop through the specified inclusive schedule ids. # If one of them identical to the user's schedule is, # - then pass the specified html code back in the $sInsideText reference # - otherwise pass back empty string in $sInsideText # my @aIncludedScheduleIds = split(/,/, $ParameterHash->{'Schedules'}); # included schedule ids are stored in the Schedule attribute of the xml element my $nIncludedScheduleId; foreach $nIncludedScheduleId (@aIncludedScheduleIds) { if ($nIncludedScheduleId eq $nScheduleID) { # # User's schedule id is defined, # thus we don't clear $sInsideText (this will be inserted into the generated html) return ''; # Always return '' } } # # If current user's price schedule is not defined, # then clear $sInsideText -> nothing will be added to the generated html # $$sInsideText = ''; return (''); # Always return '' } ####################################################### # # GetTemplateFragment - get a named fragment of the XML template # # Params: 0 - XML entity structure # 1 - fragment name # # Returns: 0 - HTML # # Author: Zoltan Magyar, 9:04 PM 3/13/2002 # ####################################################### sub GetTemplateFragment { my $pXML = shift; my $sFragment = shift; # # Find the order line HTML # my $pNode = $pXML->FindNode("XMLTEMPLATE", "NAME", $sFragment); if (!$pNode) # the error is critical here { ACTINIC::TerminalError(ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 2201, $sFragment)); } return ($pNode->GetOriginal()); } ####################################################### # # AddCookieCheck - Adding cookie checking code # # Input : $sTag - tag name # $sInsideText - reference to text between start and end, # $ParameterHash - hash of parameters, # $sId - current tag prefix, # $sFullTag - full text of current tag; # # Output : $sInsideText contains replacement for the tag # # Author : Tibor Vajda # # Copyright (c) Actinic Software Ltd (2002) ############################################################ sub AddCookieCheck { my $Self = shift; my ($sTag, $sInsideText, $ParameterHash, $sId, $sFullTag) = @_; my $sScript = ''; # stores the cookie checking javascript code if needed if ($::bCookieCheckRequired) # cookie checking javascript should be added to the html { # # Determine the url of the warning page generation script # my $sCgiUrl = ACTINIC::GetScriptUrl($::sShoppingScriptID); # shopping script is used to display warning $sCgiUrl .= '?ACTION=COOKIEERROR'; # with this parameter # # Compose the cookie checking javascript # $sScript = ''; } $$sInsideText = $sScript; return (''); } 1;