sub ValidateInput
my ($eDirection);
if ($#_ != 0)
$eDirection = $::FORWARD;
($eDirection) = @_;
my ($bActuallyValidate) = ($eDirection == $::FORWARD); # only validate text when moving forward
my (@Response);
#Modification to handle null error problem
# special case - startup
if ($::g_nCurrentSequenceNumber == $::STARTSEQUENCE) # if this is startup
@Response = ValidateStart($bActuallyValidate); # validate the input/cart settings
if ($::g_NullInput)
my $sError = 'No data has been received.' .
This may be due to an internet communications error." .
Please try to submit the form again." .
@Response = DisplayPage($sError, 0, $eDirection); # redisplay this page with the error messages
if ($Response[0] != $::SUCCESS)
return (@Response);
$Response[0] = $::BADDATA;
$Response[1] = $Response[2];
$Response[2] = $Response[3];
return (@Response);