Google | Help | Contact us | Sign Out Customer ID: 562-770-5030 Campaign Management Reports Analytics My Account Analytics Settings | View Reports Click to select Website Profile Analytics Settings > Profile Settings > Goal Settings Goal Settings: G1 Enter Goal Information Goal URL: (e.g. When the user navigates to this page, he/she has reached the conversion goal (Checkout Complete, Registration Confirmation, etc.). Goal name: Goal name will appear in Conversion reports. Active Goal: On Off Define Funnel (optional) A funnel is a series of pages leading up to the Goal URL. For example, you might define the checkout steps that lead up to a completed purchase as a funnel. In this example, the funnel generally would not include individual product pages. It would rather consist only of those final pages that are common to all transactions. The Defined Funnel Navigation report will show you how effectively you retain visitors throughout the conversion process. URLName Step 1 Required step Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 Goal (see above) Additional settings Case sensitive URLs entered above must exactly match the capitalisation of visited URLs. Match Type Exact Match Head Match Regular Expression Match Goal value How do I use actual e-commerce values as my goal value? Common Questions How do I set up goals? What is a funnel? How do I track drop-off rates on pages leading to a goal? How do I use actual e-commerce values as my goal value? What is the difference between AdWords conversion tracking and Google Analytics? What are some examples of conversion goals? How do I use Google Analytics to track a 3rd-party shopping cart? My site's pages are dynamically generated. How do I set up funnels and goals? ©2006 Google - AdWords Home - Editorial Guidelines - Privacy Policy - Contact us