# #
# MailForm.pl - provides mail support for Catalog #
# #
# Copyright (c) 2004 ACTINIC SOFTWARE Plc #
# #
# Written by Zoltan Magyar #
# Wednesday, March 03, 2004 #
# #
# #
# The above is the Path to Perl on the ISP's server #
# #
# Requires Perl version 5.004 or later #
# #
#?use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use strict;
# Make sure "." is included in the @INC directory list so we can find our packages
my $bFound = 0;
my $sDir;
foreach $sDir (@INC)
if ($sDir eq ".")
$bFound = 1;
if (!$bFound)
push (@INC, ".");
# NT systems rarely execute the CGI scripts in the cgi-bin, so attempt to locate
# the packages in that case. This may still fail if the cgi-bin folder is named
# something else, but at least we will catch 80% of the cases. The INCLUDEPATHADJUSMENT
# covers the remaining cases.
push (@INC, "cgi-bin");
# As the mail script is used only for bulk e-mail support
# so we can assume that the ACTINIC package is available
require ;
require ;
$::g_sSmtpServer = "";
######################### THIS IS THE END OF THE MAIN #################################
# DispatchCommands - parse the command input and
# call the command processing function
# Expects: %g_InputHash, and %g_SetupBlob
# should be defined
sub DispatchCommands
my (@Response, $Status, $Message, $sHTML, $sAction, $pFailures, $sCartID);
$sAction = $::g_InputHash{"ACTION"}; # check the page action
# Handle sending custom emails from the site
if ($sAction =~ m/$::g_sSendMailLabel/i )
@Response = SendMailToMerchant();
elsif ($sAction =~ m/SHOWFORM/i)
# Note: this call will never return here
DisplayMailPage($::g_BillContact{'NAME'}, "", $::g_BillContact{'EMAIL'}, "");
# Unsupported ACTION???
# Bomb out with an error message
else # there is no ACTION specified
ACTINIC::ReportError(ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 1284), ACTINIC::GetPath());
# Parse the response
($Status, $Message, $pFailures) = @Response; # parse the response
if ($Status == $::FAILURE)
ACTINIC::ReportError($Message, ACTINIC::GetPath());
# SendMailToMerchant - send a mail to the merchant's
# email address with the details from input hash
# Returns: 0 - HTML of the page to be displayed
# Author: Zoltan Magyar - Wednesday, December 03, 2003
sub SendMailToMerchant
# Receive parameters from input hash
my ($sEmailRecpt, $sSubject, $sTextMailBody, $sName, $sMessage, $sTelephone, $sHTML);
$sEmailRecpt = $::g_InputHash{'EmailAddress'};
$sSubject = $::g_InputHash{'Subject'};
$sTelephone = $::g_InputHash{'Telephone'};
$sName = $::g_InputHash{'Name'};
$sMessage = $::g_InputHash{'Message'};
# Validate the content of the fields
my $sError;
if ($sName eq "")
$sError .= ACTINIC::GetRequiredMessage(-1, 2370);
if ($sSubject eq "")
$sError .= ACTINIC::GetRequiredMessage(-1, 2372);
if ($sEmailRecpt eq "")
$sError .= ACTINIC::GetRequiredMessage(-1, 2371);
if ($sTelephone eq "")
$sError .= "'Telephone' is required
elsif ($sEmailRecpt !~ /.+\@.+\..+/)
$sError .= ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 2378) . "\r\n";
if ($sMessage eq "")
$sError .= ACTINIC::GetRequiredMessage(-1, 2373);
if ($sError ne "")
$sError = ACTINIC::GroomError($sError); # make the error look nice for the HTML
# Redisplay the mail page with error messages
DisplayMailPage($sName, $sSubject, $sEmailRecpt, $sMessage);
# Note: the above call will never return here
# Construct the mail text and send it to the merchant
$sError = ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 2377);
$sTextMailBody .= ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 2370) . $sName . "\r\n";
$sTextMailBody .= ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 2371) . $sEmailRecpt . "\r\n";
$sTextMailBody .= ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 2373) . "\r\n" . $sMessage . "\r\n\r\n";
$sTextMailBody .="Telephone:" . $sTelephone . "\r\n";
my @Response = ACTINIC::SendMail($::g_sSmtpServer, $$::g_pSetupBlob{EMAIL}, $sSubject, $sTextMailBody, $sEmailRecpt, $sTelephone);
if ($Response[0] != $::SUCCESS)
ACTINIC::RecordErrors($Response[1], ACTINIC::GetPath());
$sError = $Response[1];
# Now bounce back to the mail page
@Response = ACTINIC::BounceToPageEnhanced(5, ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 1962) . $sError . ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 1970),
$::g_sContentUrl, $::g_pSetupBlob, $::Session->GetLastShopPage(), \%::g_InputHash,
$sHTML = $Response[2];
# We need to manually remove the tags from the bounce page
$sHTML =~ s/.*?\/Actinic:UNREG>//isg;
ACTINIC::SaveSessionAndPrintPage($sHTML, undef);
# DisplayMailPage - load the mail form
# Input: $sName - the name of the recepient
# $sSubject- the subject of the mail
# $sEmail - email address of the sender
# $sText - the mail text
# Output: Nothing. This function prints the page and
# terminates. In case of error the error is reported
# and the script is terminated.
sub DisplayMailPage
my ($sName, $sSubject, $sEmail, $sText) = @_;
# Display the mail page
my %VarTable;
my @Response = ACTINIC::TemplateFile(ACTINIC::GetPath() . "mail_form.html", \%VarTable); # make the substitutions
if ($Response[0] != $::SUCCESS)
ACTINIC::ReportError($Response[1], ACTINIC::GetPath());
# clean up the links
my ($sDigest,$sBaseFile) = ACTINIC::CaccGetCookies();
my $sPath = ($sBaseFile) ? $sBaseFile : $::g_sContentUrl;
@Response = ACTINIC::MakeLinksAbsolute($Response[2], $::g_sWebSiteUrl, $sPath);
if ($Response[0] != $::SUCCESS)
ACTINIC::ReportError($Response[1], ACTINIC::GetPath());
my $sHTML = $Response[2];
# Init - script initialisation
sub Init
$::prog_name = "MailForm"; # Program Name (8 characters)
$::prog_ver = '$Revision: 9 $'; # program version (6 characters)
$::prog_ver = substr($::prog_ver, 11); # strip the revision information
$::prog_ver =~ s/ \$//; # and the trailers
# Set the calling context
$ActinicOrder::s_nContext = $ActinicOrder::FROM_CART;
my (@Response, $Status, $Message);
@Response = ReadAndParseInput(); # read the input from the CGI call
($Status, $Message) = @Response; # parse the response
if ($Status != $::SUCCESS)
ACTINIC::TerminalError($Message); # can't be report error because problem could be path error
@Response = ReadAndParseBlobs(); # read the catalog blobs
($Status, $Message) = @Response; # parse the response
if ($Status != $::SUCCESS)
ACTINIC::ReportError($Message, ACTINIC::GetPath());
# Set the old global variables for compatibility
$::g_sWebSiteUrl = $::Session->GetBaseUrl();
$::g_sContentUrl = $::g_sWebSiteUrl;
# Initialize some global hashes (must come after prompt file)
# Graphical buttons
if(!defined $::g_InputHash{"ACTION"})
if(defined $::g_InputHash{"ACTION_SENDMAIL.x"})
$::g_InputHash{"ACTION"} = $::g_sSendMailLabel;
# ReadAndParseInput - read the input and parse it
# Expects: $ENV to be defined
# Output: ($ReturnCode, $Error)
# if $ReturnCode = $::FAILURE, the operation failed
# for the reason specified in $Error
# Otherwise everything is OK
sub ReadAndParseInput
my ($status, $message, $temp);
($status, $message, $::g_OriginalInputData, $temp, %::g_InputHash) = ACTINIC::ReadAndParseInput();
if ($status != $::SUCCESS)
return ($status, $message, 0, 0);
return ($::SUCCESS, "", 0, 0);
# ReadAndParseBlobs - read the blobs and store them
# in global data structures
# Expects: %::g_InputHash - the input hash table should
# be defined
# Affects: %::g_BillContact - the invoice contact info
# %::g_ShipContact - the delivery contact info
# %::g_ShipInfo - the shipping info
# %::g_TaxInfo - the tax exemption info
# %::g_GeneralInfo - the general info page info
# %g_PaymentInfo - the payment details
# Output: ($ReturnCode, $Error)
# if $ReturnCode = $::FAILURE, the operation failed
# for the reason specified in $Error
# Otherwise everything is OK
sub ReadAndParseBlobs
my ($Status, $Message, @Response, $sPath);
$sPath = ACTINIC::GetPath(); # get the path to the web site
@Response = ACTINIC::ReadPromptFile($sPath); # read the prompt blob
if ($Response[0] != $::SUCCESS)
return (@Response);
@Response = ACTINIC::ReadCatalogFile($sPath); # read the catalog blob
($Status, $Message) = @Response; # parse the response
if ($Status != $::SUCCESS) # on error, bail
return (@Response);
@Response = ACTINIC::ReadSetupFile($sPath); # read the setup
($Status, $Message) = @Response;
if ($Status != $::SUCCESS)
return (@Response);
# Initialise session
my ($sCartID, $sContactDetails) = ACTINIC::GetCookies();
$::Session = new Session($sCartID, $sContactDetails, ACTINIC::GetPath(), $::TRUE);
# read the checkout status
my ($pBillContact, $pShipContact, $pShipInfo, $pTaxInfo, $pGeneralInfo, $pPaymentInfo, $pLocationInfo);
@Response = $::Session->RestoreCheckoutInfo();
if ($Response[0] != $::SUCCESS)
return (@Response);
no strict 'refs'; # don't care empty string as hash
($Status, $Message, $pBillContact, $pShipContact, $pShipInfo, $pTaxInfo, $pGeneralInfo, $pPaymentInfo, $pLocationInfo) = @Response;
%::g_BillContact = %$pBillContact; # copy the hashes to global tables
%::g_ShipContact = %$pShipContact;
%::g_ShipInfo = %$pShipInfo;
%::g_TaxInfo = %$pTaxInfo;
%::g_GeneralInfo = %$pGeneralInfo;
%::g_PaymentInfo = %$pPaymentInfo;
%::g_LocationInfo = %$pLocationInfo;
return ($::SUCCESS, "");
# PrintPage - Print the HTML to the browser. NOTE:
# this is just a wrapper for the ACTINIC package
# function.
# Params: [0] - HTML
# [1] - Cookie (optional)
# [2] - cache flag (optional - default no-cache)
sub PrintPage
return (
ACTINIC::UpdateDisplay($_[0], $::g_OriginalInputData,
$_[1], $_[2], '', '')