use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
# This script will help diagnose problems with Actinic session file management, specifically, problems with
# obtaining session locks. Session files are typically placed in the acatalog directory, and hold your IP
# address as part of the file name, eg, if your IP address is then your session file name
# would begin with 123Z123Z123Z123...... followed by some other data, and with a .session file extension.
# When a session is locked, an extra file is created with the same name, but with ".LCK" appended after the
# .session part. When this LCK file exists, it prevents other actinic scripts from opening your session file
# from 120 (the default) seconds since the LCK file was created. This can result in that bloody
# annoying "cannnot be locked during session init" message.
# Before runing this script, edit the variables in the Settings section below, then upload to your cgi-bin
# directory. Then point your browser to http://www.yourdomainname.com/cgi-bin/testsession.pl - the script
# will run then output some information to tell you what is the problem with creating your session files.
# This is the uploaded session.pm, which Actinic renames to sm....{scriptversion#}.pm. If your script
# version number is 6, then use "sm00006" (don't include .pm/pl etc, not needed). Default is sm000001.
# If you use the wrong number here, you will see an error "cant locate object method new via package SessionLock".
my $sessionpm = "sm000001";
# This is the session file that Actinic is complaining it cannot lock. This file is typically something
# like "../acatalog/123Z123Z123Z123A1177425417B4900.session".
my $sessionfile = "../acatalog/123Z123Z123Z123A1177425417B4900.session";
# Make sure "." is included in the @INC directory list so we can find our packages
my $bFound = 0;
my $sDir;
foreach $sDir (@INC)
if ($sDir eq ".")
$bFound = 1;
if (!$bFound)
push (@INC, ".");
# NT systems rarely execute the CGI scripts in the cgi-bin, so attempt to locate
# the packages in that case. This may still fail if the cgi-bin folder is named
# something else, but at least we will catch 80% of the cases. The INCLUDEPATHADJUSMENT
# covers the remaining cases.
push (@INC, "cgi-bin");
# include actinic session library
eval "require $sessionpm";
use strict;
# HTTP Header
print "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n";
# Introduction to what the script does..
printf "Perl version: %vd\n
", $^V;
print "This script tests session locking, and is used for diagnosing A General Script Error Occurred Error: ./acatalog/FILENAME.session can not be locked during Session init! errors.
print "Attempting to lock file: $sessionfile... (typically, this path seems to be relative to your wwwroot, NOT the cgi-bin directory(?))
# Attempt to lock, and evaluate results..
my $rLck = new SessionLock($sessionfile);
my $nRet = $rLck->Lock();
if ($nRet == $SessionLock::SUCCESS)
print "Success!
Everything should be working for you... contact actinic support for further assistance if you still are having problems.";
elsif ($nRet == $SessionLock::ERR_TIMEOUT)
print "Timeout.
There could be disk access problems, or another process could have a lock on the session file";
elsif ($nRet == $SessionLock::ERR_DIRPERMS)
print "File Permission Problems.
Check that the file path is correct, and 777 permissions are set on the directory containing the session files.";
elsif ($nRet == $SessionLock::FAILURE)
print "Lock Failed. (SessionLock::Failure).
Actinic developers might be able to suggest what to try next? or go have a look in Session.pm yourself to work out what causes ::Failure to be returned.";
print "UNKNOWN RESPONSE ($nRet) FROM SessionLock::Lock()";