The widget makes the following modifications to existing layouts in all sites 1.'Adjustment Row In Cart': is replaced with: 2.'Cart Product Details With Thumbnails RWD': is replaced with: 3.'Handling Charge Row In Cart': is replaced with: 4.'Product Line Row In Cart': is replaced with:
5.'Shipping Charge Row In Cart': is replaced with: 6.'Standard AJAX Functions' layout, append the following: 7.'Sub Total Row In Cart': is replaced with: 8.'Tax 1 Row In Cart': is replaced with: 9.'Tax 2 Row In Cart': is replaced with: 10.'Total Row In Cart': is replaced with: The widget makes the following modifications to existing layouts in all sites except those based on the 'Sellerdeck Swift' templates. 1.'Add To Cart Button' both instances of: " name="_" type="submit" class="button cart-button" onclick="return ValidateChoices("");"/> are replaced with: ");""/> 2.'Checkout Shopping Cart Grid': is replaced with:
3.'Handling Charge Row': is replaced with: 4.'Product Line Row' the opening: is replaced with: and, the following: is replaced with:
5.'Shipping Charge Row':
is replaced with: 6.'Shopping Links':
is replaced with:
7.'Smart Responsive Stylesheet': is replaced with: /* sd.widget.Popup add to cart.1.18:BEGIN */ /* sd.widget.Popup add to cart.1.18:END */ 8.'Standard Javascript Header Functions' layout append: 9.'Sub Total Row': is replaced with: 10.'Tax 1 Row': is replaced with: 11.'Tax 2 Row': is replaced with: 12.'Total Row': is replaced with: 13.'View Cart Page Shopping Cart Grid':
" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="checkout-cart"> is replaced with:
"" border=""0"" cellpadding=""3"" cellspacing=""0"" class=""checkout-cart iatcCart""> The widget makes the following modifications to existing layouts only in sites based on the 'Sellerdeck Swift' templates. 1.'Add To Cart Button':
is replaced with:
4.'Swift Stylesheet' layout append: /* sd.widget.Popup add to cart.1.10:BEGIN */ /* sd.widget.Popup add to cart.1.10:END */ 5.'UXHeaderSwift':
is replaced with: