Sometimes, you might want to have more specific control over what appears in your breadcrumb trail (parent section list) at the top and bottom of each page.

If you want to show something other than the section name in the breadcrumb trail, then you just need to create a new variable at the section level called 'BreadCrumbName'. To do this:

1. Go to 'Design | Library | Variables' and expand the 'Section' group.

2. Right-click on the 'Section' group name and select 'New Variable'.

3. Give it a name of 'BreadCrumbName' and a prompt of 'Name for Breadcrumb Trail'

4. Under 'Place of Setting' select 'Section'.

5. De-select 'Allow <Use Parent> as an option'

6. Leave 'Tab Name' as 'Properties'

7. Leave both 'Initial Value' and 'Top Level Value' as empty

8. Now go to the 'Layouts' tab of the library and expand the 'Parent Section List Entry' group.

9. In all the layouts you see there, replace the 'SectionName' variable with the following code:

HTML Code:
<actinic:variable encoding="actinic" name="SectionName" if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22BreadCrumbName%22%20%2f%3e%20%3d%3d%20%22%22" /><actinic:variable name="BreadCrumbName" />
You can now enter the alternative name in the 'Name for Breadcrumb' field on each section.