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  • Supplier requires price to registered customers only

    Hi All,
    I am trying to get started on a lock supplying website but the supplier is insisting that I cannot display prices to unregistered users.
    I have hidden the prices on the page using the <Actinic:NOTINB2B><div style="display:none;"></Actinic:NOTINB2B> .......
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  • rmhatchett
    started a topic Automate login from emailed link

    Automate login from emailed link

    My client would like to send out an email newsletter with links to a exclusive section of the shop, offering discounted prices on particular products. I understand that we can use 'customer groups' to implement the discounted prices but that would need the newsletter recipients to login to...
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  • Show stock levels to logged in customers only

    I do have a simple question, but can not find a solution.
    <actinic:variable name="StockLevel" /> is working on my page.
    But I want to show it only to buyers who are logged in.

    So i think i need to write a " block if" and state the condition when...
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