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Idiots guide: Splitting your product list (TLS) into sections...

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    Idiots guide: Splitting your product list (TLS) into sections...

    First off, the techniques presented here were not worked out by me. I merely stood on the 'shoulders of giants', followed the trail of clues about the forum and tried to put them in a more palatable form for those who just 'want the answer'. The two key sources of information were the posts of leehack and the excellent block tutorials of gabrielcrowe

    I can't guarantee this will work on your site - it works on the one I have built it on, I've not tried to replicate it on another site yet. Make sure you perform a full site snapshot of your existing site before attempting this. Then, if the God's decide to piss on your fire, you can always roll back.

    Example of the technique
    Here is the site I have built it on:

    Background of the example
    It was built using Actinic Business 8.5. Executive was the base CSS theme I started with. I then changed the standard actinic.css and implemented the changes directly in the design tab.

    The problem
    A standard Actinic store has products listed under various sections. In many of the standard designs there is a sidebar that includes links to all the various sections of your store, called a Top Level Section List. However, you may not want all your sections listed in one big chunk. In the example above, I wanted some sections under a 'Products' header, some under 'PC Health Centre' etc. With the standard Actinic sidebar, you can't do this. This short guide/tutorial hopefully allows you to do that...

    The solution
    First of all you need to create a new 'variable' that you can use to differentiate one product section from another. That way, once each section is identified in some way, we can tell Actinic to place some in one section, and some others elsewhere. Here goes...

    1. In Actinic, choose Design > Library and then in the resultant window, click the 'Variables' tab.

    2. Scroll down to 'Section' and click the '+' sign next to it to expand. Now right-click on the Section header and choose 'New Variable' from the menu.
    3. Now, define the new variable as shown below

    This means that for each section you can now number it 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. So back to the example. I wanted all my 'Product' sections in one group so I set the variable to '1' for those sections. For the next section, I set all the relevant sections to '2' and so on throughout the store. Here is an illustration of where you change that variable for each list - it's at the very bottom of the 'General' tab for each section:

    4. So, at the bottom, enter the correct 'list number' for each section in your store you want appearing in one of the lists.

    Now it's time to actually display the differing lists. This caused some major messing about but the method that worked for me is this...

    5. Switch to 'Design' tab, and select your sidebar area. Click in the current sidebar area and in the code area, switch to 'advanced view' (In the 'layout code' window it is the top left green button). Now highlight all the text, delete it and paste the following...

    <p class="text_heading_left_column">Products Section 1</p>
    <actinic:block type="EntireSectionList">
    <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22List%20Number%22%20%2f%3e%20%3d%3d%201" >
    <li><a href="<actinic:variable name="SectionPageName"/>"><actinic:variable name='SectionName'/></a>
    This chunk of code, if the Gods are smiling on you, will display the list of your sections you specified with a '1' in step 4. If you want to change the name of the header, simply alter the text 'Product Section 1' in the code above to whatever you want it to read.

    NOTE: Styling of these lists, and their headers, is handled by the Actinic CSS stylesheet. If you don't know anything of CSS, best get on Google and read up, but suffice to say - when you understand CSS you can alter the way the lists appear (font size, bullet points, background etc) by choosing 'Actinic Stylesheet' from the drop down in the Design tab (illustrated below) and amending it accordingly.

    The list code is then replicated at each point in your site you want another 'Top Level Section List' to appear and the list is limited to which sections it displays based upon the list number variable. So to show the product sections you labelled '2' in your store, insert the following chunk of code:

    <p class="text_heading_left_column">Section 2</p>
    <actinic:block type="EntireSectionList">
    <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22List%20Number%22%20%2f%3e%20%3d%3d%202" >
    <li><a href="<actinic:variable name="SectionPageName"/>"><actinic:variable name='SectionName'/></a>
    That's it. Just insert the code, using the relevant variable name (list number) where you want that section of the Top Level Section List to appear about your site.

    Final Note:
    After inserting the lumps of code into the sidebar, it is sometimes necessary to exit Actinic and go back in before it displays correctly. I don't know why, all I can tell you is that it worked for me.

    Nice Work Ben (obviously good job to Lee & Gabe Aswell)



      looks great ill try later
      Remembering the road to Actinic enlightenment is a long and sometimes painful one.
      Current project:
      Something for the Missus,Something for the Weekend


        Thumbs up. Good (mis?)use of blocks


          Hi Ben,

          Nice one!! Thanks for putting it all together.

          Kind regards,
          Bruce King


            Hi Ben,

            Thanks for your clear guide on splitting product sections up - it looked so easy to follow I tried it myself (I'm a newbie).

            Anyhow, I am sure it is my mistake, but following your instructions I ended up with my sections and sub sections being repeated endlessly down the left hand side. I can enclose a picture to show this.

            I am trying to make my 5 main sections have their own highligted header as you do at

            Where do you think I may have gone wrong? This is what I have done:

            1) I have inserted the new variable list number
            2) I have set my 5 areas as 1,2,3,4 & 5 etc.
            3) I then inserted the code you give in place of this: <actinic:variable name="TopLevelSectionLink" /> . This is what appears when I "click in the current sidebar area and in the code area, switch to 'advanced view' (in the 'layout code' window it is the top left green button). Now highlight all the text ...
            4) When I hit apply it seems to get a bit carried way.

            Any ideas? Maybe I have just missed something simple or made a mistake somewhere?

            Fair-Trade & Eco-Friendly


              Hi Dorian, sorry - I don't frequent these boards that often and I've only just seen your post. Did you manage to sort the problem or are you still having trouble?


                Hi Ben,

                Thanks for the follow up - no, I have not sorted it out yet. I'm going to now re-do the whole of my home page and not just the product links and so it is something I would like to work out as part of this facelift.

                Thanks again,
                Fair-Trade & Eco-Friendly



                  I thought this was a great post, so thought i would try and implement the product list break up too. I was like Dorian experiencing that the list appeared the same several times by following the instructions Ben gave. Just wondering if anyone else has managed to resolve this or if there was anything obvious that i was missing?




                    Hi there,

                    OK, few things to check:

                    1. Are you definitely using a different list number each time you are inserting the code for a new section of the Top Level Section list? Check this buy entering design view, switching to Basic mode (Green button toggles this at the top of the Code Layout view) and double click the green underlined 'Block If' bit. It should read something like this: 'List Number == 5'. The key is that for each instance of this code (each time you want a new section of the TLS) you have a different number here. If you have the same number - you will get the same section of list.

                    2. Do you have sections within other sections? If so they will also need numbering. For example. In the example given (

                    PC Health Centre appears on the left hand side as a header and has a list value of '3'. However '3' isn't isn't the section number I have in the 'block if' section as I actually wanted the sub-sections below (Data Recovery, Diagnosis and Repair etc) to be the ones appearing in the list. Therefore you need to give list numbers to all of those also. In my instance I numbered all those subsections with a list ID of '5' and then used this bit of code:

                    <p class="text_heading_left_column">PC Health Centre</p>
                    <actinic:block type="EntireSectionList">
                    <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22List%20Number%22%20%2f%3e%20%3d%3d%205" >
                    <a href="<actinic:variable name="SectionPageName"/>"><actinic:variable name='SectionName'/></a>

                    Let me know on those two points.


                      Hi Ben,

                      Thanks for the help, i have numbered the sections as advised from 1 through to 13. I have 8 sections in my catalog it looks as tho its repeating the list for every section i.e. I have the list repeated 8 times down the left hand side all with the same links/texts.

                      This is my code:

                      <p class="text_heading_left_column">Section 1</p>
                      <actinic:block type="EntireSectionList" >
                      <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22List%20Number%22%20%2f%3e%20%3d%3d%202" >
                      <a href="<actinic:variable name="SectionPageName"/>"><actinic:variable name='SectionName'/></a>
                      <p class="text_heading_left_column">Section 2</p>
                      <actinic:block type="EntireSectionList" >
                      <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22List%20Number%22%20%2f%3e%20%3d%3d%204" >
                      <a href="<actinic:variable name="SectionPageName"/>"><actinic:variable name='SectionName'/></a>
                      This is all placed in the layout code - standard top level section list. Any help would be much appreciated.

                      Thanks for taking the time



                        I am still having this problem (repetitive lists down the side which relate to how many sections i have) i.e i have 8 sections, which results in my side bar being repeated 8 times. Is there anything obvious im missing? I have tried to go back over my steps a number of times now.

                        I have added the given code into my Layout Code - Standard Top Level Section List.

                        Anyhelp or direction would be greatly appreciated. I feel totally stumped!




                          For anyone that was having a similar problem to me! I was putting the code into the wrong layout. If you put this code into your overall layout then the repetitive sections will not be a problem. Duh!!




                            Something I been wanting to do for a while is split our product range in to different sections and display them on their own page.

                            See example -

                            I am about to start playing with V9 so seems like a good time to attempt this, would the method described above be the best way to approach this?

                            Secondary could the same approach be applied to the best seller/new product lists?

                            Any views much appreciated.




                              You could create new TLS's as the main sections and then have the subsections within them showing (level 1 & 2 of your content tree in other words). Or you can add mutiple instances of the entiresectionlist and put them under your own crafted headings, using a section level variable to define in which list the link should show. Much depends on how many splits you need to make, it is relatively easy to do though.

                              With the marketing lists you have 20 products available to play with, you can split them into various areas as suits really, but it is limited to 20 products. You may be best using related products (rename it) which can be tailored to each product.

