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Network Settings for EUKHOST

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    Network Settings for EUKHOST

    These settings work for me with Actinic v9.0.3 on a Linux server.
    The support at eukhost is variable, they recommended Windows hosting for Actinic only to refute it a week later and migrated me to Linux, and the whole site seems to be working fine.
    Eukhost supplied answers for the Actinic settings which were quite bonkers, but with a little searching the following were arrived at which work fine for me:

    Actinic>Web>Network Setup>

    Server details:
    Catalog URL: http://www.(domain)/acatalog/
    CGI-BIN URL: http://www.(domain)/cgi-bin/
    Codebase: ./
    Path from CGI-BIN to acatalog directory: ../acatalog/

    FTP Details:
    Server Host: (domain)
    Username: (account username)
    Password: (account password)
    Path to CGI-BIN: public_html/cgi-bin/
    Path from CGI-BIN to acatalog directory as viewed by the FTP Server: (leave blank)
    Use Passive FTP Transfers: tick

    Common Settings:CGI Script ID Number: 1
    Extension: .pl
    Ignore Passive Transfer Errors: tick
    Web Site URL: http://www.(domain)/
    Path to the Perl shell: /usr/local/bin/perl

    Upload Setings:
    Ignore Passive Transfer Errors: tick
    Use Enhanced FTP: leave unticked

    Email Settings:SMTP Server: mail.(domain)
    Username and Password Required: tick
    Username: email address (+replaces @ eg
    Password: email password

    SSL Settings:
    Eukhost forgot to move the SSL from the Windows server so I'm waiting for this to be done before I can set it up. I will update this part when it's working.


    use your services 4 years with actinic
    Bad Boys Drive Bad Toys

