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Website review

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    I think the main thing to address is the initial impression when hitting your site. To do that there are lots of little things to change. It just doesn't ooze any class at all, it looks homemade and an 'off the kitchen table business'. I'm not under any circumstances suggesting that all people look and surf at things in the same way as me, but if i ever hit your site, i would be back out of there within 10 seconds - no matter how good or how cheap the products might be.

    Presenting a site like that is just the same as me walking into a shop where there is half inch of dust on the display, there is a dirty stain on the floor and the guy behind the counter has been smoking a pipe for the last hour. Couple that with the bins overflowing and that typifies what I and at least a few others take as an impression on sites like that.

    Hopefully you get it back on track and show us the progress, sites that get reviewed and listen and go away to change things are always of great interest. Make sure you keep us up to date with your progress.

    Good luck.


      A couple of things that are easy to fix and will make a real difference.
      Apologies if others have covered them already.

      FSB logo is way to large and is meaningless to anyone who isn't in business themselves, in other words most of your customers. Even worse the FSB logo is more prominent than yours!

      "More info" on the homepage goes to an FAQ page so why not change it to say "FAQ"?

      Nobody cares if you are No 1 or not and as there is no way of proving it why bother.

      The whole site overdoses on the credit card logos. They are everywhere.


        Most of the points that have been raised were stated on your last site review and the review I did for you last year! -


          Originally posted by bamboo
          FSB logo is way to large and is meaningless to anyone who isn't in business themselves, in other words most of your customers. Even worse the FSB logo is more prominent than yours!
          If you download a new FSB logo from their website, you can get the code for the link, which puts you up for a prize if anybody joins as a result (I believe - haven't checked lately).

          With regards to your existing FSB logo, it has [alt] text which is all over the place, and it links to one particular product for no reason.
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            Originally posted by RuralWeb
            Most of the points that have been raised were stated on your last site review and the review I did for you last year! -
            Hi Malc

            didn't Gabe pop a free design over to him?

            ps ta for the you know what, if you need owt let me know fella...


            Oh, and nice to see Leeski and I agree, the site is not going to make sales as it stands in this field.
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              Good morning all,

              Many thanks for all your help and advice with this. I have changed many of the items mentioned. I still cannot get rid of my " More info" and gate like cell next to checkout, anyone any advice on getting rid of this.

              Many Thanks



                <p class="text_menu_cart"><a class="link_cart" href=""/></p>

                Look for this in your layout, probably find the problem here



                  Hi Darren,

                  Thank you for your reply. Please excuse my ignorance - find the piece of code, and do what?



                    This is related to the Login code.
                    Look in your design and you will see the attached image. Delete it if you do not need login - else fix it as below:
                    		<actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22AreRegCustomersAllowed%22%20%2f%3e">
                    				<td class="page_header_menu_cart_login_spacing"><img src="theme_tab1_left.gif" width="4" height="23" alt=" " /></td>
                    				<td><div class="page_header_menu_login"><p class="text_menu_cart"><a href="<actinic:variable name="LoginPageURL" />" class="link_cart"><actinic:variable name="LoginText" /></a></p></div></td>
                    				<td><img src="theme_tab1_right.gif" width="4" height="23" alt=" " /></td>
                    Attached Files


                      Re More Info - look in your design code for
                      <div class="page_header_terms_container">
                      <p class="text_terms_conditions">
                      <a class="link_terms_conditions" href="FAQs.html">More Info</a>
                      and change the 'More Info' to 'FAQs' or whatever you want.

