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cutting edge ajax, php, database interaction - the way an actinic shop COULD be?

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    cutting edge ajax, php, database interaction - the way an actinic shop COULD be?

    I've been using some great software for six months now, and its been written by a really good friend of mine, Rob Tweed that runs a company here in the UK called MGateway

    Robs credentials are fantastic, he's just completed a guest speaker slot at the AJaxWorld conference in the USA.

    His software has allowed me to develop my intranet at breakneck speed with full cutting edge Ajax GUI and full security is taken care of up front automatically.

    He has developed a great set of applications that can hook into databases and generate some great looking web pages in hours not days. On the MGateway latest demonstration, he's got a virtual desktop that, behind the scenes, is pure PHP and javascript. By turning on Kiosk Mode in IE6 / IE7 you have a job to tell what you are actually running Vista or HTML.

    some of the clever stuff is that when you write using his tools, you can then issue the "compile" command and generate all the robust PHP thats actually run on the website. If you don't want PHP, click a couple of buttons on the compiler, and re-generate and you'll get a full set of ASP pages that will be functionaly absolutely identical to the PHP code. even better, click a couple of buttons, and you'll get Java code.

    You want the best part of the whole thing, his software is FREE, anyone can download it and run a real cutting edge website within a day. If you use the "Free" version, then there is no support, but having said that the PDF manual is 300+ pages, theres worked examples on his website - if you then pay for support, you get a first rate product with brilliant backup.

    To show you how serious he is, his biggest client (a USA Health Company) uses this cutting edge ajax software everyday and has just signed a contract with google to allow google users to get access to clinical test result on thier browser in the comfort of their home or doctors office - becasue its Google, you can bet the interface and functionality will be slick.

    If you do look at the demonstration, Treat it as a desktop, drag the panels around, minimise them, etc - BUT PLEASE take a peek at the SourceCode icon, and have a look at just how LITTLE amount of code you actually write to generate a stunning example. - its obvious what you will be seeing
    click on the "About EWD" icon, its a simple powerpoint lookalike demonstration, again written using his software - the soureCode icon will show you how little code you write to achieve this.

    For the running example on his website, he's actually used the Amazon EC2 virtual computer. This has alllowed him to install all of his software, pre-configure and start running on a pay-as-we-go basis with no up-front costs (see - so for him, he had a virtual computer running within the hour, has an infinite capacity and can handle as many users as you can throw at it.

    He's posted a more detailed explanation on another forum

    as a small side note, Gabriel could totally change some of the look and feel of actinet by using some of this stuff.

    I hope this cutting edge software is of interest to some of you TRUE web developers that earn a living from designing web sites.
