We are are High Street shop and have a Streamline terminal / Nat West Bank account and getting compliance certificate was straight forward and there was lots of free help.
Web site uses Actinic Payments on a different Streamline account......ditto above.
My daughter runs a small hairdressers, no website, no internet, and she has her card payments processed by Elavon, and has an Alliance & Leicester account, anyway notice came through a week or so ago to get this all complient, so she asked me to help.
We logged onto the "Trustkeeper" website, registered and was horrified to be confronted with 20 odd questions that may as well of been written in Chinese,..rang their "help line" which is in reality a breach of the trade description act!
Elavon / Trustkeeper why make life so damn difficult? !
Rant over.....for now.
Web site uses Actinic Payments on a different Streamline account......ditto above.
My daughter runs a small hairdressers, no website, no internet, and she has her card payments processed by Elavon, and has an Alliance & Leicester account, anyway notice came through a week or so ago to get this all complient, so she asked me to help.
We logged onto the "Trustkeeper" website, registered and was horrified to be confronted with 20 odd questions that may as well of been written in Chinese,..rang their "help line" which is in reality a breach of the trade description act!
Elavon / Trustkeeper why make life so damn difficult? !
Rant over.....for now.