Nice to have the ability to find the average to taken to dispatch orders over say a month without doing it manually
I know some only sell items in stock so will always be 100%, but some of us have to wait for goods to come in from a supplier, which although normally 24 hours can stretch to a long time for some items OOS at suppliers and ordered via china etc
something like
% Orders completed and Dispatched in one day
% Orders completed and dispatched in 2 days
% Orders completed and dispatched in 1 week
Bit boaring but usefull to keep eye on things
I know some only sell items in stock so will always be 100%, but some of us have to wait for goods to come in from a supplier, which although normally 24 hours can stretch to a long time for some items OOS at suppliers and ordered via china etc
something like
% Orders completed and Dispatched in one day
% Orders completed and dispatched in 2 days
% Orders completed and dispatched in 1 week
Bit boaring but usefull to keep eye on things