Orders stuck in 'Pending Payment' when they have Paid.
Hosting company has recently changed the security settings which had affected the Perl script.
I have now changed this and it is working correctly.
Customers after paying are redirected by to the site.
From hosting Company.
'Update the path to Perl in your network setting and changing the script ID to 29 then action a refresh website.
Path to Perl: /usr/bin/perl5.10.1
CGI Script ID: 29
Orders stuck in 'Pending Payment' when they have Paid.
Hosting company has recently changed the security settings which had affected the Perl script.
I have now changed this and it is working correctly.
Customers after paying are redirected by to the site.
From hosting Company.
'Update the path to Perl in your network setting and changing the script ID to 29 then action a refresh website.
Path to Perl: /usr/bin/perl5.10.1
CGI Script ID: 29