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Background problem

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    Background problem

    I just uploaded my site a week ago and everything has been running smoothly except I have a problem when I click on the 'store top' page or if I go to 'view cart' and then click on 'continue shopping'. For a couple of seconds a page appears which has dark red lines on it and its a bit startling!

    I want to get rid of it or at least change the colour to appear white. I can't figure out how to do this.
    Thanks in advance,
    Last edited by Jenni75; 22-Apr-2007, 09:50 PM. Reason: Removed URL as problem fixed

    Select the bounce page in design view, i think that is your problem.



      thanks for your reply. I think the page with the lines I am getting is the theme_main_background.gif repeated over and over. Thats what it looks like to me. I have my background set to a background colour rather than a background image in the site options. I opened the bounce page in design view but I am not sure what to change. Would I change this theme_main_background.gif to something else or would that just upset the design somewhere else?

      Sorry I don't really know anything about web design and codes etc. so I'm a bit nervous about changing things in case I make things worse.



        From what i can see Jenni, your analysis is correct. The background image appears to be repeating along the Y axis. Within CSS you can set what a background should do, ie repeat or not and along which axis. It doesn't appear to do this on your main pages, however it is on the bounce page. For this reason i can only presume that the bounce page has different CSS or something missing that other pages do not.

        It's very hard to provide a definitive answer when working blind, can you locate the reference to the background image within the CSS file and paste into here the whole style?

        It may also be referenced in the head part of your code as additional styling to override other styles.

        Clear as mud huh? Its very hard to show somebody what to do if they don't understand some of the usual terms you would use. Maybe a good starter would be which theme are you using and have you made any changes or is it standard?


          I'm using the contemporary theme but I changed the width of the maincontent and the right column. I looked for the reference to the background image and this is what I found -

          /* Here are some styles to override the default styles that are in the Actinic StyleSheet layout */
          <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22IsBackgroundColor%22%20%2f%3e">
          body {
          background-color: <actinic:variable name="Palette3" />;
          background-image: url('theme_main_background.gif');
          background-repeat: repeat-x;

          and I also found this in the style sheet -

          /* Styles for Contemporary Theme */

          #maincontent {
          margin: 0 auto;
          background-color: <actinic:variable name="PaletteBG" />;
          height: 100%;
          padding: 7px;
          width: 776px;
          voice-family: "\"}\"";
          voice-family: inherit;
          width: 930px;

          html>div#maincontent {

          #contemporary_top_bar {
          width: auto;
          background-color: <actinic:variable name="Palette1" />;
          height: 64px;

          #contemporary_second_bar {
          width: auto;
          background-image: url('theme_secondbar_background.gif');
          background-repeat: repeat-x;
          padding: 12px 5px 5px 5px;


            You have conflicting <body> styles....

            embedded in the outer layout you have:

            body {
            background-color: #cccccc;
            background-image: url('theme_main_background.gif');
            background-repeat: repeat-x;

            and in the actinic.css you have

            body {
            margin: 0px;
            padding: 0px;
            font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
            color: #000000;
            font-size: 11px; }

            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

