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Geotrust logo not appearing on homepage

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    Geotrust logo not appearing on homepage

    I have installed my geotrust logo on all pages (ie. home page, brochure page, shop pages and check out pages).

    All logos appear correctly except the logo on the home page does not show. Does anyone have any ideas what is going wrong?

    The code to show the logo is:

    <!-- GeoTrust QuickSSL [tm] Smart Icon tag. Do not edit. -->
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="//"></SCRIPT>
    <!-- end GeoTrust Smart Icon tag -->

    I have wrapped <div> tags around it to position the logo which should appear just below the "coming home" link on the left hand side of our home page which is

    Not sure if it's related but I changed the source for this on my website to be:


    Note the 'https:' bit. I can't remember if I had the same problem as you or I did it to avoid secure/insecure warnings.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Thanks Mike,

      Have tried adding the https to the code but tht doesn't appear to do anything for me.

      Posted another thread about actinic running slow after adding the code. Did you have a similar problem?


        This is the code on your homepage:
        <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="acatalog//"></SCRIPT>

        Try what Mike says - a full URL may work.


          Hi Duncan,

          So Actinic has somehow added acatalog into the equation. I'm not rally a codey person. What would the full URL be?


            Originally posted by remmo
            Thanks Mike,

            Have tried adding the https to the code but tht doesn't appear to do anything for me.

            Posted another thread about actinic running slow after adding the code. Did you have a similar problem?
            Did you copy and paste Mikes code? Looks like it is missing the : from the address, try:-

            <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript" SRC=""></SCRIPT>

            Located in Edinburgh UK



              Thanks Dave, Geotrust logo ow appearing as it should.


                Thanks Dave, I did miss out the ':'. I guess that's what happens sometimes when you edit existing text rather than copying and pasting the actual code.

                I've now put the ':' in my original post to avoid confusing anyone else.


                First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                  Sorry for resurrecting an old thread, but I came across this on my travels.

                  I've encountered the same problem, which I assumed was because Actinic was rewriting the url, but adding the HTTP: protocol to the front of it so it's accepted as an absolute url seems a bit of a clunky way to fix it.

                  As I understand it, preceding a url with "//" allows the browser to determine whether or not it uses HTTP:// or HTTPS:// dependent on context. Since this is not allowed within Actinic, the only way I can see to ensure that the golden padlock appears without errors on any SSL pages is to prefix this with HTTPS:// - not an ideal solution as it uses unnecessary extra bandwith encrypting the data.

                  I can't pretend to be an expert. This may all be hogwash, but it's what I've been led to believe.

                  Anybody got any thoughts or advice regarding this?


                    I suspect you're probably right. Trying to find a definitive reference online the best I could come up with is this which agrees with what you're saying.

                    6.In an uncommon but legal URL form, a URL with a double slash at the start, like "//", keeps only the protocol identifier from the current URL and gets the full sitename and path from the new URL.
                    So the // url would use https: on an https: page and http: on an http: page.

                    This looks to me like a bug in actinic as it shouldn't be prefixing the // urls with 'acatalog'.

                    In the meantime, the workaround does work and will only have limited impact on bandwidth and server time. It's a small bit of code and is served from geotrusts servers anyway.


                    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                      Cheers Mike. I really should heed the maxim, "Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things".

                      Is it worth raising to Actinic as a bug? I've been experiencing it in v9, and was only alerted to it by a client who was copying the code directly from Geocerts.

                      I imagine it's going to continue to trouble less technical users.

