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Hidden products & searches

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    Hidden products & searches

    Hello all,

    I am looking at different ways to display my products' options. In this case
    Gas boiler 1 with heat output xkW (unique product id AAAAAA)
    Gas boiler 1 with heat output ykW (unique product id AAAAAB)
    Gas boiler 1 with heat output zkW (unique product id AAAAAC)

    Method 1 Use individual product listing for each line above. But when the page is displayed it looks too repetitive.

    Method 2 Use one main product with the options via a component and hidden products. I prefer this as only one product description is displayed with a drop-down to select the heat output as all other features of the product are the same.

    My question is: Will this affect the searches and particularly SEO?

    I.e. Do hidden products reduce effectiveness of SEO search results?

    For the site search using the standard search in v8 I get one product listed if the other associated ones are hidden. If I use a keyword that only resides on a hidden product, it seems that the top-level product is displayed. Can anyone confirm this is correct?


    Central Heating Supplies | Life Insurance Quotes | Be Modern Orlando Electric Fires | Grant Boilers | Honeywell Heating Controls | Worcester Bosch Oil Boilers | Oil Boilers

    that's how I would expect it to work, Keith
    Maybe not ideal but working as it should.
    Obviously, the search can't link to the hidden product, so it doesn't list it.
    The best way round it would be to ensure that the details of the hidden products are included in the main product description so they are still picked up.


      Good tip Tracey. Thanks.

      From an SE point of view, as you probably know, the number of times a keyword appears on the page affects the results. Is the text in hidden products actually hidden from the spiders?


      Central Heating Supplies | Life Insurance Quotes | Be Modern Orlando Electric Fires | Grant Boilers | Honeywell Heating Controls | Worcester Bosch Oil Boilers | Oil Boilers


        Originally posted by budgetbumps
        yeh...still having huge browser problems with timing out on the forums..accidentally posted twice!

        although...I could have claimed innocence now
        I just posted deja vu to you then when I reloaded it was gone so I deleted my post, I thought it was my eyes! LOL


          Originally posted by peblaco
          I just posted deja vu to you then when I reloaded it was gone so I deleted my post, I thought it was my eyes! LOL
          haha..and now we're chasing each others deleted posts!!

