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    Hi everyone,
    Weird one this but you never know. I have a client who has hosting with a company who then host sites on Zen. Withinin their settings my clients site points to for the SMTP settings, with no username or password activated.

    Now the site has been running for about 3 years with no email issues. They had put their email address into the recieve receipt copies text field including my email address and as as i said for years they received any automated email that the software send out. (This is OK to do isn't it?)

    Since the 24th of this month this has just simply stopped. They do not get the New Catalog recieved email nor the customer receipt copy any more including myself.

    I have tested the netowrk settings and it comes back with a communications error (see below) and advises you to change it to local host, which i did.

    The 'SMTP server' address entered in the 'Web | Network Setup' is incorrect, or not a valid SMTP server.

    Possible Solutions:
    1) Try "localhost" as the "SMTP Server"
    2) Check the "SMTP Server" host name, user name and password with your server host, then correct the details in 'Web | Network Setup'
    3) Check your firewall settings

    The next order came in and wahhayyy I got the customer copied receipt but my client didn't. Now it seems that any automated emails from the software do not come through.

    My question is anybody else out there using as their smtp server and if so have you have any problems, or discussion with zen regarding this. I have been in talk with the other agency but they been very forthcoming with a possible solutions.

    Any help form all you lovely people out there in the Actinic community waould be greatly appreciated.


    Lee Jackson
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