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Connecting Products for discounts?

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    Connecting Products for discounts?

    Hi all,

    As some of you know, I am teaching Airbrush and Sign painting Classes in London and the site is used to book these classes. The new Trial site is here for the classes section:

    and is almost ready for upload (yaayy!)

    Now then . . I have several sections like:

    Flame Painting & Skulls | Portraits | Signs | Beginners Classes etc. etc.. and within these sections have at least 2 dates for each class.

    I am going to offer Wed Thurs Fr classes and on wed is usually beginners, Thurs is flames, Fri is portraits or signs or whatever. These are in their own independent sections (at the mo) with the 2 or 3 dates (Products) and what I'd like to do is this: (and I am sure in V9 it must be easy! )

    If someone books a Wed class (which is the beginners class) they may also want to stay for the next day or 3 days etc and so, I want to be able to have the products from each section somehow connected so if they book them independently for 1 Day it's a fixed price but, if they visit another section and choose say Thurs and/or Fri too they will get a discount for booking more than one class which then shows in the cart.

    I know this is probably possible but can't seem to work it out at the mo? I was going to try and simplify it by instead of having sections for Flames & Skulls | Beginners etc I thought I would have Jan, Feb, March and then, put the Wed-Fri class down as 1 product with 3 choices but this is too simple because I prefer to have a separate class date for each day as an individual product.

    I hope that makes sense!

    I'd like to use the brilliant facility of related products too so, the Wed class for Jan and then below, the Wed class for Feb for say flame painting will also have the other 2 related products below from the other sections so: Wed 6th jan Beginners Class will also have below it Thurs (related product) and then Fri (related product) All I need to do then is add some text in the main Wed product description saying something like:

    Save! Book Thurs and Friday and save 25% on the 3 days. See link below.

    or something like that. I know how to do the related products, that is a great addition to Actinic and has REALLY helped my tutorial section because when I am showing students how to paint using such and such airbrush or paint, I now have the related products below this which is fantastic!

    Sorry about the book-length question btw!

    So to re-cap: Just would like to associate products for 3 or 4 dates and if booked together create a discounted booking fee. (Without having to spend the next 3 days doing it too!!)

    Cheers all. .

    Organic Image - Award-winning Airbrush Kustom Art & Airbrush Classes