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Managing Google Adwords

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    Managing Google Adwords

    Hi Guys and Gals,

    Here at Stinkyink Towers we are committed to Organic Search to power our business, but with Google overtaking Channel 4 two years ago in value of advertising and then ITV last summer and a recent Safebuy survey of their members showing that the average small business in the UK spends around £5K per month on Adwords, I guess we are reasonably unique in this commitment.

    We use Adwords for 3 specific reasons:
    1. Keyword research
    2. Product Launch
    3. Pick up long tail miss spelt terms

    and it is still a struggle to manage our small campaigns. Young Matt has however come up with a solution and has published an Excel spreadsheet to make managing your campaigns much more scientific, this is available for a free read and download here

    I hope this is of use and look forward to your comments. BTW if anyone can recommend a good Screen Grab/Video editing package I would be grateful
    John Sollars
    MD at Stinkyink.Com
    Ph 01746 781020
    Fx 01746 781698
    Em John (at) Stinkyink dot Com