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Product Permutations and Import to Sage

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    Product Permutations and Import to Sage

    Morning all!

    Im having an issue with permutations and importing an order into Sage.

    Our website;, has products that we sell in different options. For example hard hats available in different colours. Rather than listing each colour on the page I have created permutations, so a customer can select the colour they want from a pull down list. Each of the colours has been imported into Actinic from Sage, have their own product code and are hidden. Obviously for each permutation there is a fictitious product code.

    The problem is this. When imported into Sage it creates its own codes and does not invoice the correct codes.

    Attached is some screenshots. There is a sample of the Actinic Setup for the Hardhats and also a cut of the invoice, showing what happens, so please can you help!! The invoice has S codes, which come from nowhere!

    Support are looking into it for me, but they suggested creating the fictitious product in Sage which is not an option for accounting reasons.

    Many thanks!

    Attached Files