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SMTP Server Promblem. Possible fix?

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    SMTP Server Promblem. Possible fix?

    Hi all,

    I host my own webserver / SMTP server and have discovered after Days of "Ahhhhh why does this say my SMTP server is not a SMTP server.... Ahhhh" It is becasue the server itself will not allow Perl.exe to send emails.

    So I added Perl.exe as an executable to send emails on the server. This made Actinic SMTP settings work! (Settings are made within your AntiVirus settings)

    I know this fix may not be for everybody but it is a fix for users of servers with local SMTP servers.

    Note: The Actinic Settings for the SMTP server is location from the server.
    i.e. If your Server has a local SMTP server (the webserver is also the SMTP server) Localhost may not work as localhost may have been removed from the servers hostfile for mailworm reasons. use or If you know your Servers IP address use this instead. (localhost {name} points to within the hosts file)