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Actinic Link

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    Actinic Link

    We are trying to integrate Link into QuickBooks. We use WorldPay as our online credit card processor. I don’t use QuickBooks so forgive my ignorance & simple analogies (as that’s how it’s being explained to me!)

    I have been told we need the order number in the QB Sales number (I specifically checked this with Actinic prior to purchasing), and go into undeposited funds so that the funds we then receive from Worldpay can be reconciled with the sales receipt.

    So far I can get orders into QB in two ways:

    I can get it onto Sales Receipts (and undeposited funds) but the order number is in the memo box and not the Order number, making it impossible to reconcile it with the Worldpay payment in QB.

    I can also get a Sales Order with the order number in the right place (the QB sales number) but this type of sales form does not go to undeposited funds, again making it impossible to reconcile it with the Worldpay payment in QB.

    Both are under the Generic ‘Internet Shopper’ which doesn’t help with the problem of identifying WorldPay payments.

    Has anyone actually got this process working? Does Link work 'in the field'?

    Actinic Support suggested I try here.
    Martin Cutbill

    Amazingly using Actinic to sell Absinthe since V2