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credit card page not forwarding on to receipt page

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    credit card page not forwarding on to receipt page

    I have had a couple of my customers cancel there order due to loosing confidence in the security of my website, the problem is after entering there credit credit card details the page hung and would not forward on to the receipt page, Please help, Steve

    can you post your url please
    Web design Bradford




        It's an ongoing problem Steve for me amongst many others.

        The more of us that post an issue on this, the better. It is more than likely down to security settings on the PC's that are failing, however (in my opinion) Actinic should not have this flaw, especially after you have got the customer to include card details and place an order.

        If the page where the customer inputs their card details is allowed, then there should be no way that the receipt should not be allowed to show.

        In short it appears that Actinic need to have a system where whatever the users settings are, the receipt will always show. Either they cant put their card details in or they can and they get the receipt.


          ok, thank you lee


            Steve, I would advise you to contact Actinic directly via the support form as you are using java encryption rather than a payment provider and this can have certain issues.

            Personally Ive moved away from this payment method as slapping a HSBC logo on your site for example fills customers with faith, a ssl padlock during transactions is essential these days.

            Web design Bradford


              Ok Thanks Darren I will look into the SSL option, sounds like its the only way to resolve the flacky java problem


                Just a note to say the Java worked fine for me, the test orders details are all TEST and 0's



                  We also have a client experiencing this problem. We have reported to Actinic technical support and I'm glad to say that they replicated the problem.

                  Just waiting for an solution now...which I will share.
                  Bernie Vincent
                  The Eminent Trading Company


                    Receipt page problem appears to be solved

                    The Actinic technical support team advised me to change the network setup Codebase setting to ./ and the problem appears to be solved. (At least there have been no further reports of the receipt page appearing during the past 7 days.)

                    Please let the community know if this clears the problem for you.

                    Best wishes


                    (This message has been posted on the 2 other threads that have raised this issue.)
                    Bernie Vincent
                    The Eminent Trading Company

