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Can't update or refresh development web site

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    I agree there is the possibility that something external to Actinic has caused this issue. But the bottom line is that it is Actinic that is now misbehaving in the fact that it can not handle the misconfiguration/error correctly.

    The update/refresh dialog simply does not appear (all you get is the cursor changing to an hourglass for a few seconds), there is no error message or any other clue as to what is wrong.

    After lots of experimentation I'm now fairly sure that its something to do with the path of the CGI-BIN, when the value I have in the network settings is correct it doesn't work at all (behaves as described above). If i change (say misspell) the CGI-BIN path then the dialog does appear, and the update starts, but it fails saying the server path can't be resolved (even though i can access the path via browser and FTP in DOS/XP!)

    Unfortunately I don't have the luxury of a spare system. Is there a way I could create a mirror test copy site on my live host server?

    If not then I see a reinstall of Apache/PERL/WARFTP and Actinic as my only remaining option...

    Russell King
    Canvas Etc...Stylish Modern <A HREF="">Canvas Art</A>


      Hi Russell,

      Have you tried changing the 'script ID' number in the 'network setup' screen and then try a purge and refresh (Help | Troubleshooting). It sounds like there may be a corrupt script.



        Thank you very much - this has finally sorted this frustating issue.
        Russell King
        Canvas Etc...Stylish Modern <A HREF="">Canvas Art</A>


          Hi Russell,

          Glad this is working now. One thing to note is that if you have hard-coded any links that use the cgi-bin then you will have to change the script ID of those links to use the new one you have set in the network setup screen, ie

          <a href="">click here</a>

          The bold number is the script ID (it is normally '1' so in the above example, I've changed it to '2').

