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    Please remove your usernames and passwords from the above post Rob.


      oops ! user names now removed... does the network settings look correct ?


        the message i get when i try to upload the site, is

        "there was an error when sending the merge request", this is the very last action in the upload process, so it looks like it cannot locate the server to dump the files to ? correct?

        i have changed my password in the plesk control panel, and used the same password in Actinic under network settings, so this cant be the problem,

        any new ideas guys.


          You can compare the settings with others (on different hosts) in this forum section - I don't know the correct ones for Actinic hosting.

          I understand the merge request is a script that is run on the server after the upload is completed. Sometimes this can be due to the script taking too long to respond. In most cases the site is completely uploaded - even with a merge request.

          Hopefully someone else will see this post and can pass further comment...


            merge request
            is a very common problem that a forum search will resolve.

            I find a purge and refresh on troubleshooting menu always fixes it as it is often caused by a mismatch between server and PC - mismatch in turn is triggered on first uploading or when uploading from a different pc. Others says the merge error is benign. Search the forum and make up your own mind.

            Ideally FTPHOST should be your domain name and not IP ( the reason for this is using IP can trigger errors into the future where ip is substituted in place of domain within coding.



              Mail me those settings please with username and password. I will check this for you the address is bksupport / at / actinic / co / uk.

              Kind regards,
              Bruce King


                Can you try this please, change your script ID number and then refresh the site.

                Kind regards,
                Bruce King



                  I have emailed you the information, also changed the id number and did a refresh, with no changes still wont upload to web server

                  Help !


                    Success at last


                    I have cracked it, the reason for me getting the merge request error was in the network setting section on Actinic the "use Enhanced FTP" box was ticked, i unticked this box and ! successs

                    thanks to all who posted to me - thanks

                    If any body fishes have a look at my new site


                      The network settings pass and report no errors. I can access your store and checkout without a problem, I added this to cart and proceeded ... http://www.sandersonenvironmentalsto..._VideoCAM.html

                      Please ignore order NO: AT395170000001.

                      Kind regards,
                      Bruce King


                        Thats great news, I dont think it is the Enhanced FTP causing the problem, uncheck 'Use Relative CGI-BIN URL's in Catalog Pages', click on apply with the 'Enhanced FTP selected' and update and it will work.

                        Kind regards,
                        Bruce King

