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Let's play "Find the markup" - a moan.

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    Let's play "Find the markup" - a moan.

    Version 6 of the country's leading off-the-shelf eCommerce application and we're still resorting to sticking "difficult" HTML fragments in an anonymous list hidden away in the Design menu? I just spent an hour trying to figure out why I couldn't find the table that glued my section lists together, and finally found the answer in an appendix of the AUG.

    OK, so it's arguably a better solution than hiding them in, but also arguably worse - as they are now almost completely dereferenced. I sincerely hope that you intend to use some of your recently-awarded development grant to implement a basic syntax to allow reintegration of this orphaned markup into the template system, and ditch the current "Junk Drawer" approach.

    Moan over. Roll on v7.