I am also looking to purchase V9 and have my shop integrated better with my site mindsounds.com. I guess this is a good place to ask if anyone knows any reliable/good companies/individuals who carry out this work?
Can you not demo V9 using your existing V7 framework?
I am told that if your orginal design work is not overly tampered with that and Export of your V7 site should, I hasten to add, "should" work on V9?
Not trying to do anyone out of work, but I have been toying with the upgrade for a while now, and I now I have tampered with my templates a lot?
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Everyone who has been through upgrading from V7 (or earlier) to V8/V9 will tell you that it is advisable to start from scratch. Even a simple template does not always replicate exactly and the resulting code is very untidy. Speaking from experience, the time taken to correct this is often much less than starting afresh.
Sure you can bring your catalog data over (or most of it), but it should be an opportunity to improve the site base.