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PayPal Mobile integration...HELP

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    PayPal Mobile integration...HELP

    Hi all,

    i'm looking at doing a 'mobile' phone mini site & was wondering if the paypal PSP can be edited or changed to refer to the paypal mobile API(?) site...
    i have looked at
    1. Act_OCCPayPalTemplate.html

    but my limited knowledge cant see where to do this....
    or is it NOT straight forward?

    any suggestions/ working examples appreciated!

    thanks in advance


    Thanks for the input guys,

    but i'm not sure i made my self clear enough...

    Yes, i know most modern phones will browse a regular web sites but even when you use a reduce page zoom function(i have N95 nokia) the page is much to big...
    i can browse our site and purchase an item no problems BUT.....i have scroll around what is still a large page.

    i can design a layout that fits the screen 320 x 240 etc(already testing this)

    my problem is not how site displays etc at the moment, its the Paypal payment i really was referring to...

    Paypal have a new(?) mobile 'gateway' that allows users to pay via mobile using a new system specifically written for mobiles.
    (all of this info is available on paypals website)

    I want to know if there is any way to edit the paypal pay templates to use the new Mobile API, is this a big task?

    Sites that display natively on mobiles is the way to go for us as most customers already have a user experiance of the original website and just want to buy something quickity quick(like a bunch of flowers for the wife on valentines day or that b'day present you forgot Mr Dicken!!! haha)

    at the moment I need a PSP option for paypal mobile API.
    so when i make the payment it goes to the paypal mobile gateway NOT the usual full size gateway option.

    i looked at the paypal script ' and says that Zoltan wrote it(?)
    is he the person i need for this task? Can this be adapted to do this?
    also would this script would need to streamline the returns as you would need fewer values for an end of sale invoice screen(!)(ive just done an 'all nighter' so brain is tired )

    hope this explains further...

    plus this allows us to charge at least another 50% to our clients!!!
    (dont worry about what seems to be bare faced capitalism...we get our clients Gov. Grants for IT development!!!! )

    many thanks



      your double posting why not link this to your wish list thread


        see here


          Hi all,

          Here's a reply i got from 'Zoltan' regarding the PayPal Mobile PSP...he actually understood what i was trying to ask.....

          Zolatan wrote


          > # written by Zoltan Magyar
          > i assume this is you mate...

          Yep, you are right, I was responsible for all the recent paypal integrations
          (and majority of the offline stuff). :-)

          > i want to know if you have looked at paypal mobile API?

          I haven't checked it yet but did a quick lookup on it this morning after reading -

          your mail.

          > i want to make some mobile shopping carts and was wondering what i need
          > to do to make this happen in relation to taking payments by customers on
          > mobile phones.
          > any guidance on this 'o great one' ???

          Reading the API it doesn't seem to be significantly different to our Paypal Pro
          integration at the first blink. Unfortunately I haven't got enough time to check -

          it in details therefore I can't tell too much. But I believe it is something
          what may be done as a customisation if you find a perl guy on the community to
          do this. At the moment that's the most reasonable solution as it is very
          unlikely Actinic will do an integration in the near future.

          Zoltan Magyar
          Chief Technical Architect
          skype: zmagyar

          who's the best perl guy ?



            Deja Vu or have i gone mad?


              mad as a hatter


                I read that post this morning, i'm sure of it, i remember his inability to spell Zoltan correctly twice. Either i am seeing into the future or we have a shameless bump lol.

