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Drag and Drop = Not Responding..

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    Drag and Drop = Not Responding..

    Hi all,

    Having used actinic for nigh on 8 years. We have 1000's of products online. We often have to re-organise product sections / sub-sections.

    Today whilst dragging a few sections at once, Actinic went into "Not Responding" mode, which it often does. Usually I leave it to get on with is as we all know this can happen. But today it has been almost 3 hours since it started! Tremendous!

    I don't want to exit the application as we can't afford to lose 1000 odd products that are in those sections we have dragged and droped.

    Wonder if anyone has had a similar problem with hopefully a good outcome?!

    Close down, open it backup, pointless waiting for 3 hours IMO, something has happened. If it has messed up, just import the snapshot you took before making any of the changes, you'll be able to redo your changes then.


      Originally posted by Jonzie View Post
      dragging a few sections at once
      Best to move one section at at time - if there are subsections involved move these one at a time also (you may need to create a dummy destination folder whilst emptying the sub-folders out). Moving multiple section on large sites is prone to disaster.

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

