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blacklisted mail server problem

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    blacklisted mail server problem

    Have started receiving bounced mail messages such as this one:

    Remote host said: 550-Sending host is blacklisted at More details at
    550 <>

    My current email server is BT Yahoo.

    I think I understand what the aim of this server blacklisting 'service' at dsbl is (ie to try and cut down spam by blacklisting open relay servers).

    My questions are, has anyone else experineced this, and how do I protect myself from this?


    The BT email servers are listed because they had open email servers for a long time. They have been moving to authenticated email over the last few months so I'd be surprised if they were still open.

    If I were you I'd contact BT and ask them if their email servers were still open and if not to contact dsbl using this form and get the server removed from the list.


    PS. Emails from actinic shouldn't be affected as they should be coming from your hosts smtp server.

    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      I had a client who was assigned an IP address for his BBand connection and he got a blacklisted IP assigned. Took over a weekend to get a new IP address for his connection. BT refused to help
      Owner of a broken heart


        Thanks Mike & Gary

        I'm currently using Catalog5 (I have BUs7 but have not upgraded yet).
        If the server is switched to authenticated mail, will this effect my ability to send mail within version 5 (seem to remember some talk that Act can't handle authenticated email pre version 7 - or am I totally muddled).



          It looks to me as if you're hosting your website with Clara and that's where your actinic emails should be going out from.

          The BT yahoo problem should only be for emails sent via outlook from your PC. emails from actinic shouldn't be going near the BT email server so whether BT have authenticated smtp or not shouldn't effect what version of actinic you need.


          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



            Just taken a look at Actinic set up, and can't find where we entered our email settings.
            Does the Actinic mailer that sends out confirmation and other mail via the mail tab use a different method to Outlook Express (where I set up an account, and enter ingoing and outgoing settings...POP boxes etc), so that it uses my host without me setting anything up?
            Excuse my ignorance as to the full workings of SMTP, POP etc.

            As a side issue, quite often I use Outlook Express to send 'other' notifications (eg your credit card has failed....) because I find it difficult looking up sent mail from within Actinic.
            If you look at mail already sent in the mail tab, you can't actually scroll down to read the full email. Is there any reason for this?
            As its a pain, I tend to use Outlook Express for the non automated email stuff, so I can reference them fully when I need to.


              Sorry!! Just found the mail server set up in Network settings.
              Yes, your right, this is set up to use clara web server.

              My question still stands regarding the difficulty accessing sent email (lack of scroll down) within the mail tab.
              Is there a workaround, is it considered a fault, and has it been fixed since version 5?




                I'm not sure how V5 handles email.

                Using V6 I can go web>list emails (which does have a scroll tab) or open an order and see the associated emails there.

                Is it different in V5?


                PS. Whenever I send an email such as 'CC failed' then I open the order, pick the closest email format and then edit it before sending. That way It's always associated with the order and easy to find again if needed.

                First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                  Web>List emails gives me a list of emails sent.
                  I can't see how to open a sent email from here to view it.

                  To view a sent mail, I usually open the order, go to the mail tab, and open it from there. My point is, when I do that, it dosen't show the full email, just what will fit into the fixed display area. There is no scroll bar to scroll through a longer email.

                  I take your point about using the Act mail system to send other mail by editing the exisiting mail template. I do do this, and would use it all the time if I could actually open and read the full email later.

                  To get around the BT balcklist (until I contact them), I will switch my outlook over to using the clara relay server anyway. I only has BT set up on outlook by default, as the BT mail account predated my clara hosted site.


                    Double clicking any email, whether within the list from web>list emails or via the orders opens the email up with a scroll bar.

                    Maybe this is only in V6 but I'd be surprised. I can't remember any problems with V5 in this area.


                    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                      Must be something they brought in for version 6, as mine dosen't respond to a double click, and the emails shown in the mail tab don't allow you to scroll down.

                      Thanks for checking anyhow Mike.
                      Should be able to sort this out when I finally install my upgrade



                        Just use the bit under the...

                        Dear Mr Poop,

                        The payment for this order has been declined by your card company, please advise us on how to continue. It might be a good idea to check we have your correct card details.

                        If you know longer require these items please let us know...

                        Plenty of room within the grey mystery shaded bit.
                        Football Heaven

                        For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.

