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Another website review..
And not before time!
A few comments on the site,
I'm a big fan of the shop and one thing that immediately struck me was that the site is quite understated for such a colourful shop.
I've read on other sites that a brightly coloured 'add to cart button' can increase sales. Mine has just become orange and there's been no jump in sales, but I did notice that yours is very light grey.
I find that these are the kind of products that I have to think about for ages before buying, if other people are the same you might want to make a feature of being able to save the shopping cart. For professional buyers this would enable them to check with other people in the company before commiting to the purchase.
There is always a clash between having too many sections or too much scrolling. I think that on some of your pages there is too much scrolling. The notebooks go on for a long time. And I say that as someone who prefers scrolling to many sections.
I used to buy from you professionally when I worked for a modelmaking company, at the time getting mail order was sometimes quite difficult. The thing that I noticed was that there is no search facility for the website. Something like this would have helped me enormously when shoppng for that company because I could have searched by keyword, which would have been great when I didn't really know what I was buying (a lot of the time) or when I was replacing stock by looking at the packet. If there is a search facility (which there should be because there's one in Actinic) then what I am saying is that should be more prominent, I couldn't find it.
A great site though, made better by the fact that you have a fantastic product range, all the best, there'll probably be an order from me in the near future,
Compendia Traditional Games and Puzzles
Wooden carrom board handmade in the UK
Thank you Megan.
You're right about being understated - the management insisted on that when we first went online 6 years ago. My brief on implementing actinic was that it had to look almost identical to our old site.
You're correct about the buttons - they need to be better than the actinic-standard ones. We are getting a 'proper' designer to create some in due course.
The length of the pages is an issues we were aware of - we have a non-techincal person responsible for content management of the site who took a lot longer than we had hoped in preparing the product file. In the next phase of development we'll be splitting the longer pages into subsections and having product variations (eg by colour) .
The search facility is there but not on the front page. Now I've fulfilled the brief and succesfully (re)launched the site I can start playing around with it and deviating from the original look.
Thanks for taking the time to review. Having seen your review thread you've just started I will return the favour in the next couple of days are review yours. And if you're planning on buying from us drop me an email ( and I'll let you know if we have any promo codes current at the time.