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advice/views on site

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    advice/views on site

    Ok I'm biting the bullet and would like your views on my site. There are several things I'm aware of that need changing.
    1. the images need to be of uniform size
    2. there are spelling mistakes
    3. link buttons are not uniform and will be changed.

    This is my first attempt at a website but don't pull any punches, criticism may hurt but if it improves my site and hence my sales then its a good thing.

    The sites not been found by the search engines yet, your comments may save me from losing potential customers by getting things sorted before they do.

    Hi Lyn,

    some of your prices are amazing for 1st editions ... best keep the girlfriend away from there with her love of old books.

    The logo / header looks too spread out and the Raven is looking the wrong way - it is leading the eye off the page rather than into it - I had photoshop open and chopped it around a little to make it work a little bit better. See image attached.

    The frontpage could do with some more images - a bit text heavy at the moment. A scanner would be a better option for getting the images rather than a camera - if you dont have a scanner try standing back and zooming in to reduce the pin cushion / barrelling effect and delete the backgrounds out.

    I like the colour scheme - modern looking yet in-keeping with your items.
    Attached Files

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Thanks for the advice. I have altered the header as suggested, your right it looks much better. The images i'm going to re do and add some to the home page. Sorry if my replies a bit short, my internet connection has been down since the storm we've just had, I'm having to use a mobile to connect and its sooo slow. I really do appreciate the help and advice and the trouble you took with the header. Thanks again Lyn


        Hi Lyn,

        Here is my opinion, for what it's worth

        I like your site, in particular I like your logo and colours, your chosen green looks great against the white. I like Jont's modified image as the raven "envelopes" the contents so perhaps consider using that.

        A bit of constructive criticism:

        I would suggest some graphics on the home page to entice your potential customers into the shop, at the moment there is nothing there to entice.

        The images against each product are not very clear. I would buy a digital camera and take some close-ups. You want to grab customer's attention and enable them to clearly view the cover. Crop images so that they display only the cover, and not the background. The images are very important and presently they are letting the site down.

        I would like to see some information about your company. Presently the only information is the contact info on your T&C's page. I think this an important step to instil customer confidence.

        You are saying nothing about how to purchase from you, or how online payments will be handled. Again you need this information to instil confidence.

        The site is very clear and easy to navigate and I am sure you will do well. Good luck

        Kind regards
        Kind Regards

        Charmed Cards & Crafts


          Thanks Karen, I've altered the logo and as soon as internet connection


            To finish the last post. . . Is up and stable i'll up load the changes you suggested. Thanks karen very much appreciate you suggestions.

