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Gary Hay Grampian Web Wizards

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    Gary Hay Grampian Web Wizards

    Just a quick post to see if anyone has heard anything from him ?

    I paid him on the 16th of May to do a job for me. Was told it would take 2 to 3 weeks to complete. Was continually let down and now have had no contact from him since the 9th of June.

    I have tried calling and emailing a few times but can't get anyone to speak to. I assume something has happened, I heard he had just had a baby so hope nothing is wrong with it. Surely it is only professional though to drop me an email to let me know what is going on ?

    After all he has taken my money......

    Any information would be great !

    Grampian Web Wizards has been embroiled in a tricky legal sitation for the last couple of months that has meant that Grampian Web Wizards had to effectively be put on pause.

    Gary has asked for the posts in this thread to be removed, but those of you who are expecting to hear from him should do so over the next week or so.


      Are you now Mr Hay's protector, why can he not email or contact the many people looking for him, including the local Trading Standards Office?

      Your self appointed censorship does not reflect very well on Actinic.


        Personally I think Chris is doing the right thing. If Gary is in a legal situation, then any information on this site "might" be seen as a pejudice in the eyes of the law - so I would say Chris is right by removing the content., not only to proetect any legal case that may be outstanding but to protect Actinic from any fallback on comments made on this server.

        I think its good use of the "moderators" hat!

        Just my personal opinion of course.

        KDM Digital Media - Actinic web design and hosting


          Originally posted by MULLKV
          to protect Actinic from any fallback on comments made on this server.
          I imagine there must be a disclaimer regarding the views are not those of Actinic buried on here somewhere - but yes - if there is a legal case then it is probably best to remove any content that may affect the outcome.

          Hopefully Gary will be up and running again soon and resolving all the issues from the posters in this thread that have since been deleted.

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


            Just a quick Reply from Gary to say still here got problems will deal with you soon would be nice, But still i dont know what to do pay wait and see or pay some one else???????? Not good is it cdicken

            I have tried to get the domain name he set up changed to a dif host but they say he needs to do this now how can i get him to do this


              Hi there
              Are you now Mr Hay's protector
              If I was trying to protect Gary, I probably would have removed the thread weeks ago.

              Gary contacted me yesterday and described what sounds like a horrible legal situation to be in, where he couldn't operate as Grampian Web Wizards. I have given him the benefit of the doubt, and he has assured me he will be contacting people individually over the next few days to explain the situation.


                I paid Gary Hay £350 in May, to him personally, nothing to do with Grampian Web Wizards.
                He claimed he was working at home on contract and did none of the work he agreed to do, then in June stopped communicating anything.
                You do not need to give him "the benefit of the doubt"; as you have already stated, he has been visiting this forum, so is quite able to leave a posting of his own to give apologies/excuses or whatever, without any prejudice to any alleged legal problems he may or may not have.
                His assurances to you are not worth a damn to the people he should be giving explanations to, by removing the previous postings you are stopping more people from discovering that they were not the only ones to be affected by Mr Hays duplicity; thereby you are preventing them from joining with others to tell their stories or take any other joint action.

                So Gary Hay contacts you, not the people he took money from; and you then remove the postings he should be answering because he asks you, as I said your self-appointed role of Gary Hay's protector does not reflect well on you or Actinic.

                This forum is for the free exchange of views/news and assistance to all users of Actinic, not just those you approve of.


                  Hi John

                  Would it be OK if we just held on for a couple of days to see if Gary responds either here or to you directly.

                  If he doesn't respond then I will review the situation and decide whether to re-instate the full thread.


                    Originally posted by buspassjohn
                    I paid Gary Hay £350 in May, to him personally, nothing to do with Grampian Web Wizards.
                    He claimed he was working at home on contract and did none of the work he agreed to do, then in June stopped communicating anything.
                    I thought it was strange too when he asked for the cheque to be made out to himself rather than the company.

                    We shall see if Gary comes through. As pointed out if he was regularly checking the forum the decent thing to do would be to let the people who had paid him to do a job for them know what was going on.

                    Regardless what happens I feel the his company reputation has now been tarnished and money can't buy that back.


                      Originally posted by cdicken
                      Hi John

                      Would it be OK if we just held on for a couple of days to see if Gary responds either here or to you directly.

                      If he doesn't respond then I will review the situation and decide whether to re-instate the full thread.
                      I've already hung on since June with no contact from Gary Hay, I don't expect him to suddenly come good, in any case it's rather too late for him to try and make amends now.
                      In my opinion he has behaved in a disgusting way and has done a lot of damage to people less able to take the loss than ourselves, we have now got somebody else designing our site and the results should be avilable shortly.

                      We have only lost a couple of hours turnover plus our most precious thing, time, other people have lost what is a great deal of money and time to them.

                      Lets see just how honourable Mr Hay can be in the next few? days.



                        I also paid Gary money to work on some of my templates.

                        However, he has done the work but I still have issues with the work that was done.... Any body got any news on whats going on.....?????

                        I've emailed him, rang his office (which the number nolonger works).

                        If the company is offline then why is it still advertising on the web?



                          Darren, why not read this thread:



                          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                            because I hadnt seen that thread


                              OT: Aha, a fellow Faulkner

