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Website Feedback

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    Website Feedback

    Please could I have your opinions on this website

    My primary concerns;

    - website colour
    - slow page load

    Thanks in advance.

    Email Me

    The page loaded immediatley for me but I am on broadband.

    The colours semed ok, though some people might have a problem with your links being essentially the same colour as the background. They stand out for me but anyone with colour blindness might have a problem (that's a guess.)

    The picture gallery on the front only has two pictures and does not load them for the same amount of time. This gives the impression of something being broken, like when a dvd sticks. If you decide to have a picture gallery then I would have many pictures and put them up for a long time.

    The links through to your top ten selling items are obviously pinned to the items, but when I looked at the 'silver tiara' the link takes me to a page which shows me four tiaras (as well as being able to scroll up and down) and I was a bit confused as to which one I had asked to look at by clicking the link. This happens to me quite a lot on all sorts of web shops, I'm not sure what the solution would be but thought I'd flag it up.

    I think you need to do some work on your product descriptions, many things only have a title and a one line description, it seems to me that you are missing the chance for persuasive sales copy and to turn up on search engines for more terms. A lot of odd phrases in my product descriptions are number 1 or 3 on google.
    However I am the absolute queen of totally overlong descriptions and lots of people think mine are too long so add as much salt as you like to that piece of advice!

    How much do you know about adult content filters? I don't anything, I think in the long run you may have to be very careful about your language and positioning so you don't get chucked off search engines, but you seem to have started off with a good approach anyway - good use of the word pecker. And you won't read that very often on the actinic site critiques!!

    Good luck with your site,
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