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More site feedback

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    More site feedback

    I've had some recent and constructive feedback from Delboy and Jo on how my site looked.

    Based on this I've updated my site with help from Both Delboy, Jo and also from Bill and Jonty.

    Thanks to you all. I'm still learning and couldn't have done it without you...and if I did, I'd still be here this time next year.

    I have a to do list but I'd be interested in receiving some feedback from other members on how the site looks at the moment. Have a wee peek and tell me what you think. I'm totally open to any feedback good or bad.

    Ta for your input in advance.



    Much much better...

    2 comments - I would get the glowing logo to stop glowing after 10 or so glows, it gets abit distracting.

    If I were to buy I'd like to know if the voices on the recording were US accents or not

    have you got a 20 second sampler for people to download to see what its all about


      Hi John, I would agree that the logo should stop after a couple of seconds - this would also help your site to conform with the DDR regulations which advise against the use of animated images.


        Originally posted by pinbrook

        If I were to buy I'd like to know if the voices on the recording were US accents or not

        have you got a 20 second sampler for people to download to see what its all about
        That was my thoughts the last time you posted, but I didn't want to appear ignorant by suggesting a free sample. If you took a gamble and supplied a `good` one free, visitors might use it and come back to purchase. Not sure how common `repeat customers` are in this line of business though.
        Football Heaven

        For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.



          Good shout...I'll work on that sampler. Repeats are usually to the tune of around 3 recordings if the customer likes the first. So it does make sense to do this type of promo. Studio here I come.

          Some similar sites have samplers. The voice is a Scottish accent. In fact a rather successful American site uses a Scottish accent.

          I've personally used some American accented recordings and I think that regional dialects can work against. I have done the origonals myself but I'm looking to introduce a choice of female and male voice. Anyone got any comments on that idea?

          The Glowing thing...this is a freebee from I'm going to re think that cos it's starting to give me a sore head as well.

          Thanks for all the feedback.





            Hi Johnny,

            The site's improved a great deal since my last look a couple of weeks ago. I actually like the flashing logo although I must admit somebody did have to snap their fingers to get me out of the trance it put me in!

            Looks like your Actinic skills are developing rapidly, well done.


