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Web Site Content

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    Web Site Content

    From my reading I understand that search engines like your site if it has a lot of content, as opposed to just being a place where stuff is sold. Generating content can be a problem for a lot of people.

    I have a lot of good(?) content on my web site about health, nutrition, exercise, happiness, complementary therapy, managing you life, etc, and there's even some jokes. (there will be a sports section soon as well)

    I'm happy for any of you to use this content on your site in return for a link at the end of the article back to my site. I can let you have the article as text, PDF or Word docs, and the images as jpegs or gifs

    This is a win for everyone - you get a more interesting site, hopefully a higher search engine ranking, and I get a link to my site

    Jane Thurnell-Read
    Jane Thurnell-Read
    200 Plus Weight Loss Tips

    500 Plus Health And Happiness Tips

    Hi Jane - not a request for a link but you should look at incorporating links from your text articles through to the products - so if you have an article which covers say heyfever then link through to the product by using organic text to help with readability

    eg: "If you are suffering from heyfever then a anti-histamine spray could help alleviate symptoms" ... making the words "anti-histamine spray" the actual link text... this will then help search engines find relevent links and help your readers find products associated with the article.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      thanks for the tip - I'll have a look into it

      Jane Thurnell-Read
      200 Plus Weight Loss Tips

      500 Plus Health And Happiness Tips

