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QB 2005 Accountant

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    QB 2005 Accountant

    Hi Guys & Gals

    Has anybody else upgraded an earlier version of QB to this version? We were told that Act link would work with it as it's the dogs (this is not the problem - at the moment however!) but it's the only version of QB that will allow remote access/excel sheets, so decided to go with this rather than pro.

    Data upgraded "successfully" and have been happily bashing in info for 2 days.

    Now I come to create some new products and it's putting the net price in with FIVE decimal places! For instance, an existing product with a sell price of £3.99 shows correctly as £3.395 net. On sales receipts, this shows correctly in the rate column as £3.99, and correctly in the total column as £3.99 (or multiples thereof).

    However, if I create a new product with the same price, it shows in the item list and on the sales receipt rate column as £3.39574 although correctly in the total column as £3.99.

    If I cut and paste an existing price from an existing product into the new product, it does the same again and then changes the perfectly OK product too!

    I've been round and round their crap help files and their crap website til my head hurts. Although we have the support option obviously they're never available when you need something and when they are you end up in Delhi for 3 hours talking to somebody who doesn't know anything about the product (no change there then).

    We don't want to change to Sage as I think this will just cause as many problems, albeit different ones. The only reason for sticking with QB at all is to be able to use the Act link facility otherwise we'd drop it like a hot brick and find something completely different (I understand that link won't work with the Barclays "Clearing Book Keeping" version of QB either!).

    Is this 5 decimal places a "new & improved" feature of QB? Can I turn it off - where? Have I done something wrong - am I going insane?

    If anybody has experienced similar problems, I'd be grateful for any help or I can't get any QB work done until after 9 a.m on Monday when somebody at QB will be ripped a new place from whence to evacuate!

    Living in hope - Helen (& thanks!).

    I'm using the same QB though not for stock only accounts, I seem to recollect I had the same problem in the accounts when first converting to this version. The answer was to enter the exchange rate (even though you specify £) as 1 otherwise it keeps on throwing up decimals.
    Not sure if it will help on stock values, hope so.


      Hi John

      Glad to know I'm not alone! I've been into currency, anything with GDP, Pounds Sterling etc are all set with a conversion rate of 1 with 2 decimal places in the drop down. However, even on this list it displays the 1 as 1.00000.

      It seems that if I correctly display the price in the "rate" column it then displays the total with 5 decimal places or vice versa - it seems to have a die hard wish to display one or the other figures with 5 decimal places!

      All I want is for it to display correctly on customer's sales receipts - it was doing it fine on my "old & inferior" 2001 regular version, so one would think an upgrade of this magnitude would not cause such a basic function to go t*ts up like this!

      I know I'm going to get no joy from India on Monday - they are just so useless it's beyond belief. My only hope is this forum and hoping to find somebody who has experienced this problem.

      Thanks all - still living in hope - Helen


        I'm going in to the office later and will check out my settings, if there is anything in there of use I'll get back to you.
        Got this version to use remote access!! don't use it as it's too much of a pain.


          Hi John

          Bless your little cottons! We got this version to use remote (not megga important mind you) and also the excel sheet function (which appears to be rather useless as well).

          Assume link does work with the pro version - if necessary will send this hunk of junk back and downgrade!

          So this opens up a new question - anybody upgrade to the pro version and have this 5 decimal place problem?

          Regards - Helen


            Now checked my machine, it appears that we had to set up preferences/accounting to "Use multi currency" with home currency UK pound, then set exchange rate as 1, this seems to work. All our prices etc come up with 2 decimal places, ie enter 22 it shows as 22.00.
            Cant remember or find where you set the excange rate, but I think it shows only when you first specify multi currency, I remember that we tried without multi currency ticked and had the decimal problem.

            Hope this helps, we used Pro 2004 before this with no problem.


              Hi John

              Thanks for checking that. At the moment mine defaults to pound sterling although there is also an entry for UK pounds and UKP (however, all 3 of these options display as 1.00000 in the exchange rate column although they are all defaulted to an exchange rate of 1 with 2 decimal places).

              In your lists>currency list does this display the same for you? Hope you don't mind me asking - I'm thinking along the lines that if yours looks different to this I might need to uninstall QB and completely set it up again (as I didn't set it up in the first place!) - if I get this right, then hopefully will have cracked it and be on the champers tonight instead of the mother's ruin

              Regards - Helen


                Sorry, been out all afternoon, not back in office until Tuesday so can't check on machine but from memory the use multi currency is ticked and the only currency chosen is uk pounds with an exchange rate of 1, not 1.00000. We had the problem when first upgrading to this version and the answer was to make sure multi currency was ticked, can't remember how we did it but it only took seconds.
                Sorry I can't help further, got a trade show to go to for 2 days buying for xmas!


                  Hi John

                  No worries - thanks for taking the time to get back - much appreciated.

                  Well we've put a clean install on another pc and tried mucking about with their sample data companies. We've tried examples of both with and without multi-currency enabled. In both cases, their product list data looks identical to our "old & inferior" data (i.e no more than 3 decimal places on net sell, correct retail figures on gross).

                  However, the minute you go in and change a price or add a new product - guess what, 5 decimal places again! It does this on both absolute net figures and the funky ones that would normally need 3 decimal places to show the correct retail price.

                  So even with a clean install with no possible corruption from our data, it's a complete load of BS.

                  Looks like we shall be downgrading from Accountant then to the least expensive version of QB that will still run link!

                  On a happier note, our upgrade from v6 cat to v7 business went (by comparison!) pretty hassle free - still got a few tweaks to do and haven't even got into the gubbins of what it can really do, but Actinic support have been fantastic. Knowledgeable staff, quick answers, solutions that work!

                  Obviously a complete waste of time telling QB how rubbish they are - spent the whole day trawling forums for answers and it seems very few people have got anything nice to say about them!

                  Actinic - please look into increasing the number of accounting products we can use link with! It'll be a glorious day when can resign QB to the round filing cabinet (aka the bin!).

                  Thanks John for taking your time to give assistance - much appreciated - hope you get lots of goodies at your trade show!

                  Best regards - Helen

