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Grampian Web Wizards - Gary Hay

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    Has anyone heard anymore about this ?

    I spoke to Gary via email in September about this. I asked for a refund. He said he would forward one at the end of September. Well guees what ? It didn't turn up. I emailed him a week ago to find out what was happening but no reply........


      Originally posted by Froogle
      Has anyone heard anymore about this ?

      I spoke to Gary via email in September about this. I asked for a refund. He said he would forward one at the end of September. Well guees what ? It didn't turn up. I emailed him a week ago to find out what was happening but no reply........
      As you can see from my previous posts, the man is a complete and utter liar, he's not worth wasting more time on.

      If you'e watching Mr Dicken, it's surely time to re-instate the original thread as a warning to all users of Actinic and this forum.


        same here wast of time, no Email no Refund


          Just bumping this up again

          Still no contact !!


            I spoke to gary in September and had no problem with him.


              Well we had our hosting with Gary through a reseller account and it died yesterday.. So am now left with no site up and nothing from Gary with regards to information as to why.

              Hopefully we will have moved hosts in a couple of days and all up and working again.

              Early Baby Premature Baby Clothes
              <A HREF=""><A>
              Quality, affordable baby clothes specially created for premature and low birthweight babies.


                Funny thing is Actinic Support recommended Grampian Web Wizards to me...

                Now I haven’t had much of an issue with them but surely Actinic should be helping the people that have been mislead by this supplier?

                Seems to me that Actinic arnt doing anything for there customers that have had bad experiences from Grampian Web Wizards?

                At the end of the day were are all using the Actinic software.


                  The issue is "recommended" - up until recently Gary was going a great job by all accounts and hence the recommendations... not sure if they are still recommending his services or not?

                  Several others have offered assistance to Gary's customers including I think Pinbrook and Techno-Web

                  SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                    oh well,as I said Gary was fine with me - took him a while to get back but he did in the end....


                      I agree that Gary did a great job up front for us, sorting out the site, getting us up and running and his support beyond that was 1st Class.
                      But he did drop of the face of the earth and as yet we have not been able to raise him

                      We had a couple of occasions where the hosting suddenly died, and we were in the process of moving when it came back up again. But this time is one time too many so we are working with Jo from pinbrook to move.. (thanks Jo )

                      Early Baby Premature Baby Clothes
                      <A HREF=""><A>
                      Quality, affordable baby clothes specially created for premature and low birthweight babies.


                        Like quite a few others I could do with getting in touch with Gary.
                        The reason I can't get in touch is that he is going through a really bad time in his life. If you haven't had that experiance already then I hope you never have to.
                        Gary has obviously let some people down but I don't for one minute believe that he set out to hurt anyone. It's easy to say that he should have done this or that but when your going through the sort of thing that he is you just don't think straight and usually you don't do anything. (this seems to be what Gary has done)
                        I've never met Gary in person but have spoke to him several times as he is responsible for my website. He has always been fair with me and has gone out of his way at times to help me.

                        I'm sure there are lots of other people out there who have been helped by Gary Hay (far more than have been hurt by him) If Gary has helped you in the past lets hear from you.

                        There are lots of bad people in the world but I don't think Gary Hay is one of them. We've all done things in our lives that we're not particularly proud of (if you reckon you haven't your a liar) Unfortunately for Gary his mistake gets debated over a public forum.
                        Give the fella a break, surely everyone should be allowed one f**k up.


                          Give the fella a break, surely everyone should be allowed one f**k up.[/QUOTE]

                          Looks like you're the one that brought it up again!


                            Maybe the reason its been bought up is the fact that some people still have issues. This forum is their only form of communication trying to get hold of Gary.

                            If you were out of pocket, your business affected then im sure you be frustrated as well...

                            Also since this whole post deals with this issue then of course things are going to be brought up.

                            Thats the idea of the forum isnt it?


                              If the original thread had not been removed by Mr Dicken for reasons best known to himself, you would have seen that we along with a lot of others lost money and had our business adversely affected by the behaviot of Gary Hay.
                              The point I was making was that Jimmyd was asking us to give Gary Hay a break, yet he was the one bringing up what has become a dead topic. You did read the post by Jimmyd I assume?



                                Yes I have read the comments.

                                I think the whole thing should be put to bed. People who lost money should just put it down to bad experience etc.

                                Thats what im doing...

