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To redesign or not to redesign - that is the question?

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    To redesign or not to redesign - that is the question?

    Our store has been online now for nearly 6 years. We have had 2 designs in that time and I'm sat here wondering if it's time for another.

    Our business has continued to grow, though over the last 12 months it has plateaued somewhat - various reasons I think - in particular the competition in online pet stores has increased significantly in the last 12 months - but also wondered if our site is now a bit old hat.

    The one comment we get time and time again from our customers is they like the ease of use of our site - so obviously we need and want to keep that.

    So wondered if I could get some honest opinions on our site - good, bad, ugly and indifferent, suggestions about how we might improve it etc.

    Thanks in advance.

    Kathy Newman

    Hi Kathy,

    I've visited your site a few times via other posts on the forum etc. I actually think its a good example of an Actinic site. It's brilliantly easy to navigate and very quick to load. It has all the relevant information to hand at all times (basket/cheseckout etc.).

    The only thing I would say, being honest, is that it comes across as slightly "hobbyist" and it wouldn't take much to give the site an overall more professional look and feel.

    The bright colours work well, but I would say a little more "tightening up" of the overal design, a little less block coloured areas and a more styleised type face might be be beneficial.

    Not sure if that helps much, but I hope so.

    KDM Digital Media - Actinic web design and hosting


      I would be wary of using the comic-sans type face in the section levels as this is not always going to be installed on all computers (although it is a popular install)... as you pass through to the product pages the typeface becomes Verdana, Geneva, Arial etc

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        I'd go for a redesign, your present site does appear a little old skool now, I'd also avoid comic sans, go for one or maybe two font's across the whole site. If your present customers like the present usability, don't change it, and also do what you can to let them know that you are changing the design, but keeping the same great service.
        Blushingbuyer, banishing blushes since 2000.


          Well I decided to re-design!

          Nothing major - just a bit of a tidy up and a little less (I hope) hobbyish site.

          is where the new design is.

          BTW - I know the left hand menu links aren't working and the fact that the main menu links have more underline than they should!

          Any comments before I get into rehashing the products - am I going in the right direction!!?


          Kathy Newman


            Certainly looks neater and tidier and more professional.

            May be worth adding some small high quality images to illustrate the section list (in the middle of the homepage)(not on the sidebar), and also add something in the large gap that is top right. (Such as either your own banners, or safebuy/isis scheme membership)

            Thats my thoughts anyway.

            Blushingbuyer, banishing blushes since 2000.


              The large wrought iron feeding station does not look much like a bargain.

              I like the new site better then the old but feel you could do more filling with the home page

              Also I would have thought that your site is ideal for Normans Upsell program so you could for instance link dog leads to bedding or doggy coats etc.
              Chris Ashdown


                i'd lose the yellow background and crispen up the blue.

                I think the coloured bg is the reason it looks hobbyist


                  Thanks Steve - will look at putting some images for the sections - we tend to use the top bit for messages - such as special offers, etc - but agree it looks a bit bare when there are no messages.

                  Kathy Newman


                    Chris - no the wrought iron feeder isn't a bargin - which is probably why we have sold none - but as we don't hold the stock it's not a major problem!

                    Agree we could do more with the front page - will have a play around with this - some images I think would help.

                    Will have a look at Norman's upsell - could be a good idea.


                    Kathy Newman


                      Originally posted by pinbrook
                      i'd lose the yellow background and crispen up the blue.

                      I think the coloured bg is the reason it looks hobbyist
                      Thanks Jo - I've ummed and arred over the background colour - changed it to white - but it looks very stark (it's currently white at what do you think?

                      When you say crispen up the blue - can I ask what you mean - go for a slightly different blue or just do something to the one that's there?


                      Kathy Newman



                        The item was shown with the discounted price higher than the normal price which is why i said it was not much of a bargain
                        Chris Ashdown


                          Opps - thanks for spotting that - will go and amend it now!

                          Kathy Newman


                            I've spent quite a while considering the background colour when I changed onto the Smart theme. Its no coincidence that most of the big selling sites (not all obviously) have a plain white background, I think the technique is then to fill it up to hide any (large) white areas so it does not look bland. Mine is maybe a bit too full, lol, but there you go.

                            Your credit card logos look a bit stretched, a wee dabble in Google images should find you larger ones. (Or pinch my one if you want).

                            Not sure blue (kind of bathroomy) goes with pets and stuff, you're gonna laugh here, how about brown/beige?

                            Okay, I'll get my coat.
                            Football Heaven

                            For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


                              Hope you got your coat!!!!

                              Seriously - thanks for the comments - just had a look at your site (didn't realise there was so much stuff for football ) I like your colours - maybe a white background with a different colour for the side menus and product templates.

                              The more I think about this the more a major re-design is beckoning!

                              Kathy Newman

