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Site Advice wanted

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    Am assuming its ok to answer question truthfully.....

    I would say that even though youve put a lot of effort into your site.. I do feel that ultimately it looks rather homemade. Personally (and I do mean personally) this would deter me from buying...

    Yet, putting design, layout, colour schems etc. aside for the moment I would say that you are missing one huge potential boost to your sales....

    A community.

    If there are forums, I cannot see the link to them. Excuse me for pigeon holing people, yet I would have said that those that are interested in Starwars, Gothic Jewellery, Lord Of the Rings etc etc would be crying out for a place to meet/chat online and talk about stuff pertaining to this or that particular episode.. or "the Ents are great.. but not like I imagined them in the book"

    Create a community and you create a captive audience of potential purchasors.

    You got access to PHP and MYSQL on your webhost? There's some excellent open source forum software out there that won't take "toooooo" long to install if you have the tools.


      Hi George

      Thanks for you comments - you are right and I am going to look at making the catalog (hey dude I did it as well) index page my home page though I need to do some work on it before I do.

      I like the news Idea and I have been fiddling with RSS feeds from different movie sites to see if I can get any useful content to beef up the site.

      as for thew braveheart stuff - well most of it so expensive and plain that we don't bother stocking it - we find that people won't part with their money - particularly north of the border

      Hi Hatticus

      Good idea about the forum/community I certainly will look into that as a way of improving my site. Thanks for the input.

      Great Ideas - thanks
      Commercial Cleaning Cambridgeshire

