Not sure if this thread is aimed at Digital Download and Actinic V7 or just general PC file managment, however if one of my customers buy's more than one product, I too would like them to receive one file.
It would seems a tad unprofessional to get 10 files if you buy 10 products.... (did I say 10, oh I am being optimistic, I'll be happy with one sale, ha)..... how can a ZIPing program be actuated dependant on what my customers buy at the one purchase.
Also, how does DD work in general terms, I have read loads of threads, all great..... but too much too soon for me, i need a soft start.
I am intending to offer "artwork", in the form of a PDF file. Each product is a piece of artwork, click and receive.
How does it all fit together..... what happens when the customer check's out?
Thanks, S. your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
... download once use as many times as you like !
Say you have 10 products ( mp3 or wav) that you wish to offer as a single downloadable file, then you can perhaps zip it to make it convenient. On the other hand if a person buys 10 different digital download products, the receipt and mail will have 10 links to each of the products bought, as it will be very difficult to combine them into a single downloadable file online as there are a number of issues to consider, like encryption and such. Each DD link, contains the Product reference, the file name and a set of randomly added numbers that are stripped when the customer downloads the file, now on what basis will the single Downloadable file with all these links be generated? Thats a tough one.
To get information on Digital Downloads a good place to start would be the Help files in Actinic. Help | Help Topics ..Click on the 'Search' tab and type 'Digital Download'. The info there should help you get started. Like you mentioned on an earlier post, there is a lot of information available on the community, reading the help files will help you better understand the Greek in those posts !!
Also, how does DD work in general terms, I have read loads of threads, all great..... but too much too soon for me, i need a soft start.
They work in much the same way as all the regular products on your site. The user adds the item to the cart and pays as usual. In the order confirmation is a unique random link to the product which the user clicks on to link through to the DD