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Google Is playing games!

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    Google Is playing games!


    Could anyone shed any light on what Google is doing, I have been changing my site so that each product on a page links through to its own page, however google seems to index the page and show results for the product well when searched for and has a chache of the page on one day but then drops the lot the next, only having a cache of the main page, eg.

    yesterday this main page and all the product pages were cached but today only the main page is, this is hapening with many other pages as well.

    my google site map is set up and up to date showing no crawl errors or pages not crawled.

    Could someone help me out with this as its driving me mad! also some pages that have not changed for some time seem to have dropped on google but are listed well on msn and yahoo etc.

    Any help would be great as i am going balder by the minute!

    Many Thanks
    Landscape Garden Machinery, Power Tools and Safety Equipment

    This page suggests the product page is in the index but the cache isn't. I wouldn't worry about though. Google's busy on several things at the moment and what difference does it make whether it's cached or not?

    Google results often change from day to day, sometimes it depends on which Google IP address you're on.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Thanks, I have come accross this before and although the result shows in a search today in a couple of days it will be gone, this happened with the cat clothing section and has never come back, again the main page stays there but each product page is gone, very puzzled would google see this as such a big change and therefore put it in the dreaded sandbox?

      Many Thanks
      Landscape Garden Machinery, Power Tools and Safety Equipment


        Unlikely to be the sandbox. AFAIK that's site related rather than page.

        I did look at the CAT clothing section and the socks page and see what you mean.

        I would put it down to the low pagerank of your site and pages. The main page is only a PR 1 and the internal pages are PR0. I would say that Google doesn't consider your product pages worth keeping in the index as there's no significant page linking to them.

        Get some decent links and it's highly likely this problem will disappear.


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



          Thanks, it comes down to the same old problem - How do get good links to your pages?

          Many thanks again
          Many Thanks
          Landscape Garden Machinery, Power Tools and Safety Equipment

